Detoxification will not be an alien concept to a majority of us. During this period when detox diets have become extremely popularized, it will be a miracle if you have yet to be introduced to them. Many of our population are trying out detox diets for multiple reasons. While a section of society uses detox diets for medical purposes, the other set uses them to reduce bloating and promote a healthy weight. But even though the concept of detoxification and detox diets has reached a huge audience, most of us may need to learn what detoxification is. So, what is detoxification?
What is detoxification?

Before diving into the specifications, let’s find out what detoxification is. So, what is detoxification? It is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism. This article only deals with the natural detoxification process rather than the medical version, which brings the body to hemostasis after long-term use of addictive substances. In this process, the body eliminates the impurities in our blood through various organs like the intestine, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin, but mainly through the liver and kidney. Are you wondering why an individual who is not using any form of drugs needs a detoxification process in their body? Let’s address that doubt.
Why is detoxification important?
Drugs, alcohol and other addictive substances aren’t the only things that will introduce toxins into your body. Knowingly or unknowingly, we humans are introduced to multiple toxins and chemicals on a day-to-day basis. That means we don’t have to ingest the toxins and chemicals in our bodies directly. The toxins will enter your body through the food you eat, the air you breathe, the chemical agents in your cleaning supplies, the chemical compounds in your cosmetics etc.
Even if you try to religiously avoid toxins from entering your body, most of the time, there is nothing you can do to prevent it. As some of these toxins are extremely harmful to your body, the only power we have in our hands is to boost the detoxification organs in our body by providing them with adequate nutrients. Do you want to know more about how one can maintain the health of their detoxification organs?

Methods to improve the detoxification function
- Certain minute adjustments and changes in your daily practices can boost your body’s detoxification process. Let’s see the lifestyle changes that can provide you with a strong detoxification system.
- Increase the frequency of fibre-rich, detox foods in your diet. Include plenty of fibre in your food by adding ingredients like brown rice and fresh organic fruits and vegetables into your diet plan.
- Take vitamin C supplements or food that are rich in Vitamin C. This will help your body to produce a compound called glutathione. It is a liver compound used to expel toxins from your body.
- Consume herbs such as dandelion, burdock and milk thistle and drink green tea to cleanse and protect your liver.
- Drink at least 2 litres of water a day. Water will help your body to flush out unwanted toxins from your body.

- Make it a habit to take deep breaths rather than shallow breaths. This process will allow oxygen to circulate more fully throughout your body.
- Take a very hot shower for 5 minutes to run water down your back and practice hydrotherapy. Continue with cold water for 30 seconds. Do this three times, then go to bed for 30 minutes.
- Sweat in the sauna to promote the elimination of waste products from perspiration.
- But, there is yet another method that is even more beneficial than all the above-stated ones, exercising. Regular physical exercise will help your boy to remove a lot of unwanted toxins from his body much more efficiently than all the above-said methods.
Along with these, one can also ensure that they are eating clean and healthy food with very little to no toxins. Moreover, why don’t you boost the health of your liver and, thereby, the efficiency of your natural detoxification with the help of an efficient product like Nutriplus LivHealth?
Nutriplus LivHealth

If you were trying to hand over the care of your liver to a perfect product, then look no more. Are you wondering why? Well, the most important feature that allows this liver supplement to stand apart from all the others available in the market is the key ingredient used in its; production, Reishi mushroom.
Reishi mushroom is an extremely rare kind of mushroom which is highly difficult to source. It is famous for its medicinal qualities. It has glycoproteins, triterpenoids and polysaccharides, which are extremely beneficial for the proper functioning of your liver. Besides the goodness of mushrooms, the product also contains amino acids and nucleotides. It will further help boost your immunity, promote digestion and enhance your lung function.

So, I hope you have a definite answer to the question, what is detoxification? Even if you don’t understand the scientific and technical basis of the process, keep in mind that it is a very serious and important physiological process without which your health can be a serious risk. So, go ahead and incorporate Nutriplus LivHealth into your life. This way, you’ll be able to ensure your liver’s well-being and, thereby, efficient detoxification. Because as an organ that can influence the health of most organs in your body, taking care of this single organ can save you. So, think smart and make intelligent decisions for a better future.