A delicious and healthy plate of tomato uttapam

Start Your Day on the Right Foot With Tomato Uttapam

You know the power the beginning of a day has, right? I know most of you will be more than familiar with this concept. We always believe that a day that begins well will be twice as productive as other days. If so, why don’t we apply this rule to every action we do in the morning? Shouldn’t the decision of how a day will turn out depend on things other than a cup of coffee or tea? If you think in that manner, don’t your sleep quality, bowel movements, and the amount of energy and exercise you have in the morning affect the rest of your day? So, having a healthy breakfast like tomato uttapam, too, has an important role in determining how your day will play out, right?

The relationship between breakfast and us

A huge majority of our generation is oblivious to the concept of a healthy breakfast. Actually, you know what? The majority of us are alien to the concept of breakfast altogether. If you think about it, breakfast is the meal of the day that most of us skip. Most of the time, we willingly skip breakfast either because we don’t have time to eat it or because we don’t feel like it. Instead of having that nutritious meal, we will binge on unhealthy fast food.

In short, one can state that breakfast is being thoroughly ignored by our generation, attempting to race with time. It has made us accept a mode of life where we ignore breakfast altogether. But is it a healthy practice?

The importance of a healthy breakfast

Do you know why breakfast is popularly considered the day’s most important meal?

Boosts your energy levels

During the time you sleep, your liver breaks down the glycogen in your body into glucose. This glucose helps you in the maintenance of your blood glucose level. But by the time you wake up, your body will probably have run out of glycogen. So it turns to breakdown fat to produce energy. But unfortunately, your body cannot break down the fat in your body completely without the help of carbohydrates. So if you want to be energetic in the morning, ensure you are not skipping breakfast.

Boosts your brain power

Your brain cannot function properly without an adequate amount of energy. Hence, people who skip breakfast can feel a bit sluggish in the morning. They may even experience difficulty in focusing too. So if you want to improve your brain activity, attention span and memory, make it a point to have breakfast regularly.

Helps you in weight management

Individuals who regularly take their breakfast are less likely to experience fluctuation in their blood sugar levels. That means while you eat breakfast, you are filling yourself up even before you are hungry. Hence, this will prevent you from feeling hungry, thereby managing your appetite. As a result, you are less likely to either binge eat or grab whatever unhealthy junk food is available. It will help you a lot in weight management in the long run.

Prevents you from contracting lifestyle diseases

More importantly, having a healthy breakfast will help you manage weight and prevent obesity. It will also prevent you from binge eating and eating junk food. So, in short, having a sumptuous breakfast will direct you to make better food choices. It will, in turn, improve your overall health and prevent you from unnecessary fat gain. As a result, having breakfast regularly on time can help you escape the clutches of lifestyle diseases.

Are you still worried about not having enough time to cook something healthy early in the morning? Well, what if I can introduce you to a healthy breakfast item that will help you in the above said ways and provide sufficient nutrition for you? Yes, Ima talking about the delicious and crunchy Tomato uttapam.

Why is Tomato Uttapam a healthy breakfast option?

Tomato Uttapam, or uttapam in general, is one of the favourite breakfast items in South India. As a crispy and delicious delicacy, uttapam has remained one of the most sought breakfast items among south Indians. Well, who can say no to the crunchy yet soft wrap that acts as a vessel for amazing chutneys?

But do you know this delicacy is low in fat content? Yes, this versatile dish that is filled with flavours to the brim is not only low-fat food but also a high-carb meal. That means this dish can provide you with enough carbs to boost your energy yet prevent adding to the fat content. Moreover, it is a handy, delicious and creative way to incorporate veggies into your diet.

Why is Tomato Uttapam the perfect breakfast option for the busy you?

Making tomato uttapam can save you a lot of time in the morning. As the batter for this delicacy can be made beforehand, unlike chappathis, it will save your time. As you are not preparing the batter in the morning, you won’t have a pile of dishes to be washed after preparing the breakfast. Moreover, you can even chop the toppings required to make uttapam beforehand. So the only job you have to do in the morning is assembling it into tomato uttapam.

Well, we are not done. If you have some chutney powder in hand, you can easily skip making chutney or curry to accompany it. As tomato and other masalas are in the dosa, you don’t need a curry to accompany them. But do you know what is even more, better than that? This breakfast can help in improving the health of your stomach. Are you wondering how?

The probiotics in the uttapam and the fibre and fluid from tomatoes can improve your digestion and bowel movements. That means this low-calorie and high-fibre breakfast filled with healthy carbs provides energy for you and takes care of your stomach. Do you know something else that can take care of your stomach, like or even better than tomato uttapam? Welcome to Nutriplus GutHealth!

Nutriplus GutHealth

Nutriplus GutHealth is a probiotic supplement that will ensure the health and safety of your gut. This product consists of five species of beneficial bacteria. The Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Streptococcus thermophiles, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium longum in the product will replenish your gut flora. As a result, the digestion processes in the gut, like absorption and utilisation of nutrients, will be more efficient. This change in the digestion process can also help in improving your bowel movements.

Finally, no matter what you gather from here, always remember to replenish your body with a healthy breakfast. There are no better ways to prepare your body and mind for a packed, tiring day than having a wholesome breakfast like tomato uttapam. Yes, you’ll get countless reasons to skip breakfast but always remember this. These small adjustments you make today, like incorporating Nutriplus GutHealth into your life, can hugely impact your future self. So, remember to think carefully and choose wisely so you can live a happy life.

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