A plate of delicious stuffed tomatoes

Make a Stuffed Tomato Recipe To Make Your Day Better

As a community, a majority of us love new experiences. We love to explore, experiment and experience new things, emotions, flavours, adventures etc. Even when most of us wish for stability in our lives, one cannot deny the fact that it can get too boring, Repeating your actions each day without changes, going in a loop which sure gives you a sense of similarity and control buts also boredom can be excruciatingly annoying and painful. That’s why little harmless adventures and detours are not an option but a necessity to protect our sanity. Well, maybe this stuffed tomato recipe can help you this time.

Eating as an adventure.

Enjoying food is one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods to indulge in adventure. Exploring different flavour profiles and experimenting with different cuisines is like an adventure. When you taste a foreign flavour food, you will feel confused. You may like what you have or not. Irrespective of that, you will experience satisfaction and a sense of achievement. So, experimenting with new cuisines is the best way to spice up your life. So, as we have clarified why you need this stuffed tomato recipe, let’s move forward.

Stuffed Tomatoes in Gravy Recipe by Shruti Salluman - NDTV Food

Are you wondering why we can’t just go out and try a new dish? Yes, you want to spice up your life and enjoy a convenient adventure. But should you throw away your health and wellness for it? All of us are well aware of the severe health impact indulging on outside food can bring forth. Hence, it is always better to make your meal. So, now let’s treat ourselves to an excellent stuffed tomato recipe.

Ingredients needed for a stuffed tomato recipe

  • Tomatoes: 6 (large)
  • Onion: 1 (large)
  • Cilantro: ½ cup
  • Coconut: ½ cup
  • Kashmiri red chilli powder: 2 tsp.
  • Turmeric powder: ¼ tsp.
  • Garam masala: ½ tsp.
  • Mustard seeds: 1 tsp.
  • Jaggery: 2 tbsp.
  • Kosher salt: 2 tsp.

How to make stuffed tomato recipe

  • First, take the tomatoes and trim off the flatter end so they can be placed flat.
  • Now, cut the top part of the tomato and partially scoop out its flesh.
  • Take a medium bowl and add onion, jaggery, red chilli powder, turmeric, garam masala, salt and ¼ cup cilantro.
  • Fill the hollowed tomatoes tightly with this stuffing with the help of a spoon.
  • Now heat a little oil in a frying pan and add mustard seeds when the oil is hot.
  • After the mustard seeds finish spluttering, lower the heat of the pan.
  • Now, place the stuffed tomatoes into this pan with the stuffed side up.
  • Cover the pan and cook the tomatoes for 5-10 minutes. The cooking time will depend on the tomatoes’ size and the heat used.
  • Now take a knife and gently poke the tomato skin. If it cuts through easily, your stuffed tomato recipe is completed.

Just go ahead and enjoy the taste of this extremely yummy dish we made with the help of this easy stuffed tomato recipe. While enjoying it, let me tell you, this dish will not only take you on an adventure but will also make sure that you will not have to leave your adventure halfway. Yes, this dish can help in the boosting of your immunity. This stuffed tomato recipe is like a car ride, provided it is a car ride with your seatbelts on. How will this stuffed tomato recipe help you boost your immunity?

Tomatoes and Immunity

Tomato is an excellent fruit that will help you immensely in boosting your immunity. It has an element named lycopene in it. It is what gives the tomatoes their bright red colour. Moreover, it also protects the tomatoes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. So when you eat tomatoes, you will receive the same benefit. The lycopene in tomatoes will protect your cells against the attack of free radicals and act as a sunscreen. Moreover, the Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium, beta-carotene etc., in tomatoes makes them a powerful antioxidant.

That means by including this stuffed tomato recipe in your meals, you can boost your innate immunity, which will help you from contracting diseases. Do you know what else will boost your immunity and help you to chase away diseases? Nutriplus ImmunHealth.

Nutriplus ImmunHealth

It is an excellent health supplement which offers an extremely convenient way to boost your immunity. As a product produced from the extract of Papaya leaves, Aloe vera, Guduchi satwa etc., it is extremely rich in various nutrients essential for boosting your immunity. Some of the nutrients included in this product are L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-lysine, L-isoleucine, Vitamin C, Alkaloids, Phenolic compounds, and flavonoids. Besides this, it also contains several other mineral nutrients in it. So basically, this product can single-handedly boost your immunity from the inside out.

Finally, you have the perfect method to spice up your life and secure it. Just add Nutriplus ImmunHealth into your life and live without any concern. You don’t have to be concerned about falling sick when you have strong immunity. It will help you to enjoy your life in the best possible way. So, go ahead and make smart choices for a better tomorrow!

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