A single beautiful red mushroom

Are You Trying to Stay Away From Red Mushroom

Mushroom is a type of fungi that have been occupying our cuisines quite a lot in the past few years. The rising vegan movement and the increasing number of vegans and vegetarians have further pushed mushrooms into the mainstream. This has allowed people with all kinds of food preferences to enjoy and experiment with these exquisite fungi. But, we have altogether refrained from enjoying red mushrooms. Do you know why?

Why are Red mushrooms kept at arm’s length?

All mushroom lovers will be familiar with the fact that even though tasty and extremely nutritious, mushrooms can be extremely harmful. Yes, you will end your life if you don’t know which mushrooms to eat. Just like everything else in this world, mushrooms too are available in different types, kinds and categories. One categorization among these categories is of extreme importance. Whether or not you are aware of this category will determine whether or not you will survive. So listen carefully!

All mushrooms aren’t edible. Some mushrooms are extremely beneficial for your overall wellbeing, and others can kill you in the blink of an eye. It is one of the major reasons why red mushrooms are neglected. As a general rule of thumb, one is supposed to avoid all kinds of red mushrooms. It will help you to steer clear of poisonous varieties. But one thing you have to understand is that not all red mushrooms are poisonous.

When you unanimously avoid all the red mushrooms, you simultaneously prevent yourselves from accessing the goodness of some of the most nutritious red mushrooms. Let me introduce you to some of these red mushrooms you have been missing out on throughout your lifetime.

Types of beneficial Red mushrooms

Crab Brittlegill mushroom

This type of mushroom, also known as shrimp mushroom, is a variety that is widely found in Northern Europe and North America. The caps of these mushrooms are coloured in varied shades of wine-red, purple and green. This type of mushroom gets its name from its odour. This russula mushroom emits an odour similar to that of cooked crabs. Although it has a mild taste, the seafood taste is still prominent. Hence, this mushroom can be a great addition to your cuisine. This mushroom can single-handedly deepen the flavour of your dish without effort.

 Red Pine mushroom

This rare type of mushroom, also known as Saffron milk cap, can be mainly found in Europe. It usually has an orange-red colour in its younger days. As it matures, the colour of the mushroom progressively fades. This type of mushroom will produce bright orange colour milk when broken. Another way to recognize this mushroom is by the concentric circles marked with various shades of reddish-orange on its top.

Red-capped scaber stalk mushroom

This type of mushroom is mainly found in the forests of Eurasia and North America. The younger form of this mushroom will have orange-coloured caps with white scales. But as it matures, the colour of the scales will start changing to red. But the transformation of this species of fungi doesn’t stop there. The flesh of this mushroom will turn to a grey or violet colour immediately after harvesting it. Further, when cooked, the mushroom will change its colour to black again. Fascinating right?

Beefsteak mushroom

This mushroom, also known as ox tongue or poor man’s steak, is an unusual bracket fungus. It can be commonly found in Brazil and many other parts of Europe. Of all the mushrooms we have seen till now, this mushroom almost looks like a slab of raw meat. As a result, this mushroom with a slightly acidic taste is one of the popular meat substitutes in our cuisines. Thus, this mushroom, which resembles a tongue, is reddish brown in colour. Moreover, its pores are pink in colour. Further, this mushroom bleeds red juice when cut. It further resembles the analogy of meat.

Reishi mushroom

This mushroom, also known as Lingzhi mushroom, is a bracket fungus in East Asia. It has a reddish-brown varnished, kidney-shaped cap, making it quite distinguishable from all the other red mushrooms. Unlike the other mushrooms we have seen till now, this type of red mushroom, with a distinct fan shape, is not used in cooking. Rather, the Reishi mushroom is famous for its medicinal properties.

This mushroom has been a part of traditional Chinese medicines for decades. Well, how can one resist the numerous health benefits this single mushroom can give to us? This type of mushroom, usually found in medicinal products and health supplements, can save you from many health problems. Some of them are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases etc. But Reishi mushroom is especially known for the numerous health benefits it can impart to your liver.

Well, irrespective of all these advantages, one major disadvantage of this mushroom is its availability. Reishi mushroom is an extremely rare kind of red mushroom. Do you know why? First, it only grows on the base and stumps of deciduous trees like maple. To add to the difficulty, only two of three out of 10,000 old trees have the capability to grow Reishi on them. Don’t worry. You can still access the goodness of this mushroom with the help of Nutriplus LivHealth.

Nutriplus LivHealth

This health supplement manufactured by Nutriplus will make your life a lot easier. Unlike the majority of liver supplements available in the market, Nutriplus has gone the extra mile to source Reishi for you. So, if you were trying to hand over the care of your liver to a perfect product, then look no more.  

What product can treat you better than a product that has Reishi mushroom in it? That means this product also has all the goodness of Reishi in it. Or in other words, Nutriplus LivHealth has glycoproteins, triterpenoids and polysaccharides. These elements are extremely beneficial for the proper functioning of your liver. Furthermore, Nutriplus also adds amino acids and nucleotides to the product to ensure your liver stays healthy.

Finally, don’t avoid all the red mushrooms available to you just because some of them are poisonous. Can’t you see how much you have missed out on doing that? Or if you still want to play safe and ensure that your mushrooms are non-poisonous, then grab products like Nutriplus LivHealth that will fill you in with the nutrients you have been missing. Remember, take advantage of opportunities that will improve your health. Protect your liver and, thereby, your health to live a healthy and happy life.

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