A plate of mushroom roll

Snack Healthily With a Mushroom Roll

All of us are guilty of snacking. It is a compulsion that most of us can’t seem to get rid of. The idea of devouring a bag full of chips in your pyjamas while lounging on the couch watching your favourite show is a painful yearning most of us have. On most days, when we think rationally, we have some control over these compulsions. But on some days when you are unhinged, when you no longer care about the things happening around you, no amount of restraint will stop you from diving into an aisle of that unhealthy bag of chips. Hopefully, this mushroom roll recipe will help you in this situation.

The practice of snacking

Snacking is an activity that receives tons of bad reputation. People began to equate a majority of their health problems to snacking. Thus it came to be known as an unnecessary meal that will only contribute towards your weight gain. But is it true? Is a snack an unhealthy meal that will only jeopardise your health? Well, I don’t think so.

The word snacking means eating or drinking something in between your meals. Technically, a snack doesn’t have to be strictly unhealthy. It can be healthy, too, like a mushroom roll. Oh yes. Not only greasy, instant and unhealthy foods belong to snacking food. By definition, a snack is a little something you eat in between meals to curb your hunger. So, why not replace those unhealthy snacks with a healthy alternative, like a mushroom roll?

Ingredients required

  • Flour: 1 cup
  • Cornflour: ½ tbsp.
  • Baking soda: ¼ tbsp.
  • Butter: 1/2 tbsp.
  • Mushroom: 2 cups
  • Garlic: 4 cloves
  • Ginger: ½ inch
  • Onion: 1 large
  • Tomatoes: 2 medium-sized
  • Tomato puree: ¼ cup
  • Fresh cream: 2 tbsp
  • Red chilli powder: ½ tsp.
  • Coriander powder: ¼ tsp.
  • Turmeric powder: ¼ tsp.
  • Garam masala: ¼ tsp.
  • Sugar: one pinch
  • Chopped coriander: for garnish
  • Oil: as required
  • Salt: as required
  • Ghee: as required

Making of Mushroom roll

  • First, let’s make the rotis for the mushroom roll.
  • Add the flour, cornflour, baking soda, butter, and salt to a large bowl.
  • Knead the butter into the flour and then add small amounts of water.
  • Knead the flour into a smooth dough and let it rest for 1//2 an hour.
  • After resting, divide the dough into four equal parts and knead each portion more.
  • Now make small balls of them and roll them out thinly.
  • Finally, cook the rotis in a pan by spreading ghee on either side.

Now, let’s make the mushroom filling for the mushroom roll.

  • Heat a little bit of oil in a pan and add the crushed ginger-garlic into it.
  • Saute it until aromatic. Then add thinly sliced onions to it.
  • Once the onion turns translucent, add the finely chopped tomatoes. Saute it until the oil separates.
  • Now add the red chilli, coriander, turmeric powder and salt into the mixture.
  • After sautéing for 4 to 5 minutes, add the fresh cream and sugar into it.
  • Now add the coriander leaves into it and mix it well. Now the filling for your mushroom roll is ready.

Now, let’s start preparing the mushroom roll.

  • Take a roti and spread a little filling on top of it.
  • Roll the roti tightly and cover it in aluminium foil to make it sturdier.

Enjoy your extremely healthy mushroom roll and snack away without worrying about your health. This mushroom roll will not only prevent you from binging on unhealthy food. The mushrooms in this role will also make you healthier. Are you wondering how?

The health benefits of mushroom in mushroom roll

  • The Potassium in mushrooms will help your body to expel the excess sodium in your body. It thereby establishes and regulates a fluid balance in our body. This process is beneficial in the maintenance of your blood pressure.
  • Mushrooms can slow or reverse the rate of degeneration in your brain. Hence it can reduce the impact of neurodegenerative diseases and enhance your brain’s function.
  • Vitamin D in mushrooms can help you regulate the calcium levels in your body. Hence, at the end of the day, including mushrooms in your diet in the form of dishes like shahi milky mushrooms will improve the health of your bones and teeth.
  • As an excellent dietary source of ergothioneine and glutathione, two of the most important ingredients that fight against free radical damage, mushrooms are excellent antioxidants.
  • This excellent protein source low in calories will help you simultaneously build muscle mass and burn excess fat.
  • As mushrooms stimulate the spleen lymphocytes, they can help boost your immune system. Moreover, the polysaccharides in mushrooms have immunomodulatory functions.
  • As mushrooms act as excellent antioxidants, they will reduce the oxidative stress in your body. As a result, you will be able to lower your LDL cholesterol level and thereby lower the risk of contracting heart disease.
  • Last but not least, mushrooms’ anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties will maintain the health of your liver. The polysaccharides in mushrooms and the presence of beta-glucan in them will also help reduce oxidative stress our body puts on the liver. As a result, eating mushrooms can help you alleviate diseases like non-alcoholic fatty liver.
  • Well, there is yet another product that can take care of your liver much better, Nutriplus LivHealth. Unlike other mushrooms, which will passively help your liver, this product contains Reishi mushrooms which will actively boost the health of your liver.

Nutriplus LivHealth

If you are searching for a health supplement that can handle and maintain the overall health of your liver, look no further. Nutriplus LivHealth will supply you with the goodness of Reishi mushrooms without any effort. This rare ingredient is readily available to you in this health supplement in the form of tablets. Apart from the glycoproteins, triterpenoids and polysaccharides found in mushrooms, this product also has amino acids and nucleotides.

 So, what are you waiting for? Now, satisfy your cravings and protect your liver simultaneously with mushrooms. While the shahi milky mushroom takes care of your overall health and cravings, the Reishi mushroom in Nutriplus LivHealth will take good care of your liver. So, choose wisely and incorporate both into your life for a stress-free, happy future.

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