A glass of refreshing and protein filled mango shake

Enjoy Your Workout With a Mango Shake

Do you enjoy a good shake to wake yourself up? I know most of us prefer coffee or tea as a morning drink. But there are a few among us who prefer to have smoothies or shakes to start our day. It is especially true in the case of a gym-hitting bachelor and bachelorette. Don’t you agree? After a strenuous workout at the gym, you will hardly be left with any time or energy to cook up something. In such conditions, drinks like mango shakes will come as your saviour.

Shake vs Smoothie                

Smoothies are mainly advertised as healthy post-workout drinks. Irrespective of pre or post-workout, smoothies are the only drink advertised as healthy by the popular media. But, in reality, smoothies may not help you as much as you think they will. Didn’t you get me? Ok, let me explain.

Smoothies are a thicker, more concentrated, healthier form of fruit juice. Basically, it is an innovative a defective method to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. They usually use a non-dairy base like almond milk or plain water. Due to the addition of plenty of fruits, this drink is highly nutritious and heavy on carbs. A smoothie can single-handedly provide you with proteins you can consume through one meal.

Shake, on the other hand, is made with a dairy base. It can even have dairy products like ice creams to enhance the shake’s creamy texture. This drink is considered unhealthy due to the fact that you don’t actually need fruits to prepare a shake. Yes, one can make shakes with an essence or artificial flavours. When compared to a smoothie, a shake is a source of protein due to the addition of milk and the possibility of adding protein powder to it.

Which is better, Smoothie or Shake?

Well, you may think that smoothies are better than shakes. But, in reality, both these drinks have their benefits. While a smoothie can be an excellent pre-workout drink, a shake can be an impeccable post-workout drink. Don’t be confused. As smoothies are rich in carbs, they will provide you with enough energy to go through your workout regime. Whereas shakes, at the same time, will act as a protein supplement essential after a workout. Don’t you know why a protein-rich diet is a necessity during the post-workout period? Let’s dive right in.

Protein and post-workout period

Protein is an essential element needed during post-workout. You know, while you are exercising micro, tears take place in your muscle tissues. These tears are why your muscle mass is getting enough amino acids to build up. Hence, it is essential to have protein after your workout to rebuild and maintain your muscle quality. So, did you understand why a shake is a better post-workout drink than a smoothie?

Now, the major concern about shakes is them being unhealthy. But, in reality, a shake is not an unhealthy drink. Adding ice cream, sweetener, artificial flavouring, etc., to the shakes makes them unhealthy. So what is the solution to it? Please make your shakes; it is as simple as that. So now, let’s look at how to make a tasty and protein-rich mango shake.

Ingredients required for making Mango shake

  • Mango: 1 cup (chopped)
  • Milk: 1 cup (chilled)
  • Honey: According to preference
  • Ice cubes: According to preference

Preparing Mango shake

  • Add the chopped Mango pieces to a blender
  • Now, pour a quarter cup of milk into the blender and blend till smooth
  • Add the rest of the milk and ice cubes into the blender and blend till everything is well incorporated.
  • Now, Mango is generally sweet by itself. But if you prefer your Mango shake to be even sweeter, add anything other than sugar.
  • That one scoop of sugar you add to the shake can make it unhealthy. So always make it a point to add a healthy alternative to sugar, like honey, into your shake. Well, if you want your shake to be even healthier, then let me introduce you to a much healthier sugar alternative, Nutriplus Natose.
  • Pulse the shake and serve them immediately! Your protein-rich Mango shake is ready.

Nutriplus Natose: The healthy alternative to sugar

It is the best sweetener you can ever lay your hands on. Nutriplus Natose is made from the liquid extract of Stevia, which makes it 100% natural and vegan. But do you know how Nutriplus Natose becomes the best healthy sugar alternative available?

Stevia, also known as Stevia Rebaudiana, used for the production of Nutriplus Natose, is a non-nutritive sweetener. That means this ingredient which is sought worldwide for its weight loss properties, is also something that has zero calories in it. Moreover, as this sweetener is 20 times sweeter than sugar, you only need a small quantity of this entirely vegan and natural sweetener to make your dishes, especially your shakes, tasty.

Finally, that was fairly easy, right? If you need any more motivation to make your post-workout shakes, then you can always chop and freeze your Mango ahead of time too. Why among alone, you can chop and freeze any fruit you want to prepare to shake with on the previous day. It will save you time and reduce a lot of your trouble in the mornings. So, from today onwards, make your post-workout mornings healthy and tasty with the natural flavour of fruits and the enhanced sweetness from Nutriplus Natose. Remember, folks, stay happy and stay healthy.

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