A bowl full of healthy orange candy

Make Little Orange Candy Treats for Your Kids

The relationship between kids and sweets is not something we can put an end to. As parents, you may feel that sweets are extremely bad for your kids. Yes, it is true. Sweets, by definition, aren’t healthy. But should you deprive your children of the joy of sweets because of that? Please don’t take such extreme measures. Sweets like orange candy are some of the few things that can add joy and colour to their life.

Moreover, prohibiting your children from having sweets will increase their curiosity, which can be very dangerous. So, let’s not do that. Especially when you can resolve this issue by preparing a batch of healthy orange candy treats in the comfort of your kitchen.

Should you deprive your children of eating candies?

Absolutely no. I realize that candies and every other form of sweets are especially harmful to the health of your kids. But what if the act of deprivation does more harm than good? Kids are not a section with whom you can reason. They are in the process of growing and getting assimilated into our society.

As a result, they will be unreasonable, irrational and stubborn. So when you forbid your child from having sweets or candies like orange candy, your kid will find ways to have that. Moreover, kids will always be presented with sweets no matter where they go. So, when they get an opportunity to have sweets, they’ll try to hoard them. Isn’t this more dangerous than letting your kids have sweets? So, what do you think? Is forbidding your kids from enjoying the sweetness of a healthy approach?

How to help your kids establish a healthy relationship with sweets

Letting your kids have an opportunity to establish a healthy relationship with sweets can be very crucial for their growth and development. But, we have already realized that prohibiting or banning sweets altogether will not help you achieve this goal. Do you want to know another reason why this method won’t work out? Kids get treats, especially chocolates and candies like orange candy, everywhere they go. They’ll get candies from school, parties, as gifts etc. and trust me, you won’t be able to prevent them from eating sweets every time.

Instead of this controlling and restrictive method, let’s introduce our kids to sweets in a friendly environment in a healthy manner. Let’s introduce them to sweets and make them available for them. Don’t ever make them feel that sweets are a rare commodity, and don’t introduce sweets as a reward. This will help your kid to be desensitized to the allure of sweets. When they begin to get it whenever and wherever they want, they’ll lose their preoccupation and allure with candies. Thus, they will learn to enjoy candies mindfully and savour them slowly. So, let me introduce you to a candy recipe that will help your kids create a healthy relationship with sweets and contribute to their wellbeing.

Ingredients required to make Orange candy

  • Two large sweet oranges
  • I tbsp. of lemon juice
  • Nutriplus Monofloral Honey according to flavour

Huh… are you confused? Well, then, let me introduce you to one of the best sweeteners available in the market, Nutriplus Monofloral Honey!

Nutriplus Monofloral Honey

It is one of the best products or sweets you can introduce to your kids. Nutriplus Monofloral Honey is one of the healthiest and most nutritious forms of honey available in the market. Do you want to know why? Unlike the other jars of honey available on the market, Nutriplus sources Monofloral honey exclusively from one flower species. That means Nutriplus Monofloral Honey will contain all the goodness of that particular plant species.

Almost all forms of honey available in the market, irrespective of their brand, will be sourced from various plantations and mixed. But Nutriplus has made it a point to add natural benefits and flavour to their honey by sourcing it from one single plantation with one type of flower. So, besides being a perfect healthy alternative to sugar, it is extremely nutritious. Now, as we have found a perfect sweetener to help you create healthy snacks for your kids and boost their wellbeing, let’s go back to our recipe.

Let’s make delicious and healthy Orange candy

  • Take the oranges and squeeze their juice out.
  • Now, strain the juice and separate the pulp from the juice.
  • Heat the orange juice in a pan and add the lemon juice.
  • Add two to three tablespoons of Nutriplus Monofloral Honey when the juice bubbles.
  • When the syrup thickens, check its consistency by pouring a small amount into a cup of water.
  • If the syrup forms softballs inside the water and doesn’t dissolve, remove the syrup from the heat.
  • Pour the syrup into a mould of your choice and allow it to set for 6 to 7 hours.
  •  After hardening, transfer these candies into a container and allow your kids to indulge in this relatively healthy orange candy.

To Conclude

Trust me; your kids will lose interest and affinity towards sweets in no time. No, this doesn’t mean that they will stop eating these orange candies altogether. Instead, they will learn to control their cravings for sweets and start to savour them instead of gobbling them up. So, make healthy sweets for your kids using Nutriplus Monofloral Honey and introduce them to a healthy and happy life.

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