Sugar cane field

Is Sugar cane a Good Sugar Alternative for Diabetic Individuals?

Individuals affected by diabetics must deal with intense food restrictions to get their life under control. Even though this practice will eventually help you improve your life’s quality, it can equally make your life difficult. So, you have to be smart about it. That essentially means finding healthier and safer alternatives to the items and things you are not supposed to use. One of the first items everyone suffering from diabetes would want a healthier alternative would be sugar. We all of us know that artificial sugar is pretty bad for one’s health, irrespective of being diabetic or not. But what about sugar cane? Let’s find out, shall we?

Is sugar cane a good alternative to sugar?

Let’s jump straight into the topic today. So what do you think? Will sugar cane be a healthy alternative to natural sugar? Sadly no. Sugarcane itself is a source of natural sugars, primarily sucrose, and can affect blood sugar levels when consumed. Therefore, it may not be the most suitable sugar replacement for diabetic individuals, especially if used in large quantities.

However, there are sugar substitutes or alternative sweeteners that are specifically designed for individuals with diabetes. These substitutes can provide sweetness without significantly impacting blood sugar levels. But before looking into these sugar alternatives, let’s go ahead and find out why this natural sugar cane product will not be healthy for you.

Why is sugar cane, not a good sugar alternative?

  • High sugar content: Sugarcane naturally contains a significant amount of sucrose, a form of sugar. Consuming sugarcane can raise blood sugar levels, making it less suitable for individuals with diabetes who need to monitor and control their blood sugar.
  • Impact on the glycemic index: Foods with a high glycemic index (GI) can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Sugarcane has a moderate to high GI, which can lead to a relatively quick spike in blood glucose levels when consumed.
  • Carbohydrate content: Sugarcane is primarily composed of carbohydrates, including sugars. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose during digestion, which affects blood sugar levels. For individuals with diabetes, managing carbohydrate intake is crucial to controlling blood sugar levels.
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  • Lack of nutritional value: While sugarcane can provide some dietary fibre, it is relatively low in essential nutrients compared to other food options. As a result, relying on sugarcane as a sugar alternative may not contribute to a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet for individuals with diabetes.
  • Moderation challenges: Sugarcane is often consumed in the form of juice or processed into refined sugar. Both sugarcane juice and refined sugar can be easily over-consumed, leading to excessive sugar intake, which is detrimental to blood sugar control for individuals with diabetes.

Now that we have made a basic understanding of what is wrong with sugar cane as a safe and healthy sugar alternative let’s go ahead and look at some of the sugar alternatives you can for sure use.

Sugar substitutes that are healthy for you

Nutriplus Natose Stevia

Nutriplus Natose - Natural Sugar Substitutes with QNET India

This will be the perfect partner to assist you in your fight with added sugar. This alternative to sugar is a natural sweetener almost 40 time

s sweeter than sugar. This amazing product is created from the liquid extracts of Stevia plant leaves. And do you know what is even more, better than that? Nutriplus Natose Stevia has zero calories, meaning this product will not appear on that unhealthy food chart.

Moreover, this product doesn’t have any added flavour in it. The fact it is heat stable also comes as a plus point. The antibacterial properties of the product also boost its resume.

So, if you choose wisely, with just two to four drops of Nutriplus Natose, you will win the war you have been waging for years.

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