An idli steamer

How To Use Idli Steamer to Your Advantage

Do you have an Idli steamer lying around the house? Or are you planning to buy one? Or even better, did you buy one and have no idea what to do with it? Well, if you don’t know how to use an Idli steamer to your benefit, it will be a waste of space and money for you. To state fact, owning an Idli steamer is one of the best investments you have made towards your health. I mean it. The variety of tasty and healthy foods you can prepare using an idli steamer is endless.

The advantages of cooking using an Idli steamer

Easy to use

An idli steamer is one of the few appliances available in the user-friendly market. Even a beginner can find the way around an idli steamer much easier than other appliances. Unlike pans whose coating can come off, pressure cookers that can explode etc., this piece of cookware won’t cause serious health hazards. Not only that, it is comparatively difficult to destroy an idli steamer.


As stated above, the variety of dishes you can cook up with the help of an idli steamer is endless. Don’t believe me? Well, the most obvious food item you cook with an idli steamer is idlis. Do you know the multiple ways in which you can tweak this single food item? One can change the ingredients used for making idli, like swapping the rice with ragi, oats etc. or add products into the batter like spinach, carrot etc. If not any of the above, you can always stuff your idlis or submerge your idlis in curd, sambhar etc.

But is an idli steamer limited to making idlis? Absolutely not. You can make anything from traditional dhoklas to international momos in an idli steamer. You know what? One can even make cakes, cupcakes and much more varieties of desserts too in an idli steamer. Well, to state a fact, only a few appliances out there can cook such a wide variety of foods.

Saves time

It is an important feature for the members belonging to our generation. For us, 24 hours is not enough to complete our daily tasks. So, at this point, anything that can save you time is like a god sent miracle. An idli steamer can save your time effortlessly. In an Idli steamer, especially a pressure idli steamer, the pressure and steam reduce the cooking time almost by half. Saves a lot of your time, right?

Doesn’t require supervision

You, you heard it right. You don’t have to supervise your idli steamers like a pot, pan or even microwave. Once you set it up on the stove, you can set a timer and blissfully forget about its’ existence. An idli steamer will single-handedly cook the food item you put inside it without any help from your side. Just remember to add adequate water to the steamer to prevent it from burning, and you are good to go.

Less messy

As an idli steamer contains the whole process of cooking within itself, you won’t have any splutter, spillage etc. Moreover, as you use a cloth or even grease the tatte, you don’t have to worry about food getting stuck. So, cooking in an it will save you from a lot of mess. You don’t have to use other spoons, forks, knives, spatulas etc. Moreover, you won’t even have dirty kitchen towels lying around.

Saves money and energy

The fact that an idli steamer can reduce cooking time by half and can cook a series of dishes in itself saves you a lot of money, right? You don’t have to expend on either fuel or various cookware. Moreover, the fact that it doesn’t need supervision and cooks on itself saves you from running around. So, in short, this appliance can single-handedly save you time, money and energy.

Healthy mode of cooking

An important factor to address when discussing cooking in an idli steamer is how healthy it is. This mode of cooking doesn’t utilize oil at all in the cooking process. Moreover, you are not introducing other external flavours or products to your dishes. It will preserve the integrity and flavour of your dish. It is a healthy method to cook your vegetables too. As boiling water can wash away the essential nutrients in vegetables, steaming is a more appropriate way of cooking.

Makes your diet healthy

Well, I feel the most important advantage an idli steamer, or any product for that matter can give you is health. Just imagine having the ability to cook awesome multiple oil-free food items. Why are we looking for other food items when we have the most obvious food option, idli? Imagine what having a super low, calorie, probiotic-rich food can do for you. What don’t you know what probiotic bacteria can do for you? Well, let me explain.

Probiotic bacteria and health

The live bacteria and yeasts that naturally live inside your body are called probiotic bacteria. They are good bacteria that help your body by fighting all the bad bacteria and aiding it in fulfilling its functions. Probiotic offers numerous health benefits to you. Some of them are,

  • Controls bad bacteria from making you sick.
  • Helps in the production of vitamins.
  • Support the cells that line your stomach to prevent bad bacteria from entering your bloodstream.
  • Supports immune function.
  • Controls inflammation.
  • Helps in the breakdown and absorption of medications
  • Aids in digestion.

 So basically, owning an idli steamer can ensure your stomach remains safe and secure. Do you want to know about another product that will keep your stomach safe and secure?

Nutriplus GutHealth

This probiotic supplement consists of five species of beneficial bacteria. It can solely ensure the health and safety of your gut. This product that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Streptococcus thermophiles, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium longum in it is solely designed to replenish your gut flora. That means incorporating Nutriplus GutHealth into your life, can improve your digestion processes in the gut. That means it will improve the rate of absorption and utilization of nutrients.

Finally, no matter where you decide to invest in; an Idli steamer or Nutriplus GutHealth, try to make your gut happy. Because by keeping your gut happy, you can guarantee a healthy tomorrow. Remember, try to eat healthily and stay healthy!

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