Carrot halwa is one the quintessential dessert option of Indians. We cannot undermine the large fan following this dessert has in our country. But nowadays, we are turning away from these desserts as they are popularly represented as unhealthy. As our current generations got urbanized, their awareness towards body image, nutrition, healthy and unhealthy foods etc., increased.
This affinity towards eating healthy, maintaining body weight etc., to fit in has led us into a situation where we have to avoid our own sweets. But is that necessary? Should you avoid the hero of your cuisine on the pretence that it is unhealthy? Let’s examine whether Carrot Halwas are essentially unhealthy or not.
What is a Carrot Halwa?

This wonderful and innovative dessert uses a ton of carrots for its preparation. Traditionally carrots are infused with the goodness of milk and flavoured using sugar, cardamom and ghee to give them that rich, creamy and luxuriousness we are so familiar with. But, we are avoiding carrot halwa now because of those same things for which we once used to love it.
After we Indians learned that sugar, especially refined white sugar, is a slow poison that is extremely hazardous to our health, we began to drop and discard all the food items with sugar. But is it necessary? Are carrot halwa entirely unhealthy, and is there a way to prepare them healthy? Let’s examine.
Is it entirely unhealthy?
Well, as traditional carrot halwa includes refined white sugar in its preparation, it makes sense to call them unhealthy. But does that mean you have completely foregone this dessert? Absolutely not. Just like cakes, salads and various other food items, carrot halwa too has multiple versions. So the only thing you have to do is swap out the hazardous part of this hazardous recipe to make it more healthy and nutritious.
Oh no. Carrot halwa is not entirely unhealthy and harmful for you if consumed correctly. Don’t believe me? Then, let’s look at the ingredients used for its preparation and come to an informed conclusion.

Can we make carrot halwa healthy?
The ingredients considered unhealthy in a carrot halwa are full-fat milk, ghee and sugar, right? Well, let’s swap these ingredients with a much better and healthier version. You don’t have to swap ghee with anything else. Unlike butter loaded with saturated fat, ghee can be extremely healthy for you if used in moderation. So instead of dousing your halwa in ghee, use it solely for adding flavour to the dish. Next, switch the full-fat milk with low-fat or skimmed milk. Finally, swap the sugar with any sweet, healthy substitute.
What? Aren’t you familiar with any healthy versions of sugar? Don’t worry. I can give you some excellent options. You can replace the refined white sugar in the recipe with either honey or dates. Or you can you jaggery or brown sugar. If you want to go healthy than this, then replace the unhealthy refined white sugar with Nutriplus Natose. This calorie-free vegetarian product produced from the liquid extract of stevia leaves can act as a healthy replacement for sugar. This product that is twenty times sweeter than sugar will ensure your favourite dessert is harmless and tasty.

So, as we have clarified that you can make carrot halwa in a healthy manner, and you can continue to enjoy a tweaked version of your favourite dessert. Are you wondering why I’m asking you to include a presumably unhealthy dessert in your diet? Well, it’s because having carrot halwa in moderation can actually be healthy for you. Consuming carrot halwa in moderation, unlike other sweets, could provide health benefits for you. Want to know what they are?
Health benefits provided by carrot halwa
Well, as we all know, carrots will be the healthiest part of carrot halwa. So before moving on to the health benefits of other components used to prepare carrot halwa. Let’s start with milk.
- The vitamin D, immunoglobulin and probiotics in the milk will support our body’s immunity.
- The vitamin C in cardamom will act as a remedy for cough and cold.
- If you are using jaggery instead of sugar, jaggery will help you to curb your appetite as it is fibrous and takes longer to digest. In the long run, it will help you control your cholesterol levels.
- The ghee will slow down our ageing and boost our memory. It will also alleviate joint pains by acting as a lubricant.

- Now let’s come back to the main ingredient of carrot halwa; carrot. Do you have any idea how nutritious carrot halwa is?
- Carrot contains various phytochemicals like carotenoids, phenolic, polyacetylenes, ascorbic acid etc.
- The large number of antioxidants present in carrot halwa will reduce your risk of contracting cancer.
- The Vitamin A in carrots will aid in the replacement of skin cells.
- The high fibre content of carrots will promote gut health and blood pressure level.
- Moreover, the Vitamin A available in the form of beta carotene in carrots is an essential element required to strengthen the immune system and protect our body from inflammations and infections.
Are you thinking that you can eat carrots as it is for accessing all of this goodness? Sadly no. The carotenoid, beta carotene in carrots, is a fat-soluble vitamin. The body can absorb it better in the form of cooked carrots. Why? Because when carrots are cooked, the cell walls of it soften, making the digestive system access the nutrients in a much easier manner. If so, are there any other easy methods to access beta carotene and strengthen your immune system? Yes, there is!
Nutriplus ImmunHealth

If you want to have another rich source of beta carotene that your body can readily access, you have reached the right place. Nutriplus ImmunHealth is one of the safest and most natural ways to boost your immunity gradually. It is not a quick temporary fix but rather a long permanent fix. They are made by blending various clinically proven ingredients and essential micronutrients.
Some essential nutrients used to create the product are L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-lysine and L-isoleucine. It also contains two beta-carotenoids, namely, beta-carotene and lycopene in it. Further, it contains nutrients like Vitamin C, Alkaloids, Phenolic compounds, Flavanoids and several minerals. That means if you want a much healthier a convenient method to boost your immunity, you can always grab your own Nutriplus ImmunHealth. This synthetic filler-free, additives-free capsule will help you have a healthy and prosperous future.
Finally, let me leave you with two thoughts. Don’t refrain from having your favourite food items to be healthy. Instead, always try to find an alternative healthy way to make it. Similarly, don’t completely depend on your diet to boost your immunity. In our society, it is of utmost importance to supplement your body with the necessary nutrients. Stay happy and stay healthy!