A plate of delicious Falahari dosa

Have You Heard About Falahari Dosa?

We Indians are blessed with an immense variety of cuisines. Each region of our country is blessed with their special dishes. Because most of these special cuisines are largely invented based on one region’s cultivation and flavour profile, it is rarely passed on to another. Even though this factor makes these foods unique and distinguishable from the other dishes, it also contains them within the region without allowing them to spread to other regions. That may be one of the reasons why you are unaware of the existence of Falahari dosa. Well, let’s change that, shall we?

What is Falahari dosa?

Before delving into the specifics of Falahari dosa, let’s learn about the term Falahari. The term Falahari translates to fruit eater. It refers to someone who survives only on fruits. But why is a dosa named after it? Does this dosa contain any fruit in it? Well, in other words, Falahari dosa doesn’t mean a dosa made with fruits. It means a dosa that is supposed to be eaten during that time of the year when you are supposed to eat nothing but sweets. Yes, falahari dosa is a popular food item one is supposed to have during fasting, especially at festivals like Navaratri.

You are supposed to avoid all sorts of grains and pulses when you are undergoing fasting. Religiously, these restrictions you impose on your diet will purify your body and prepare you for religious purposes. Hence, several foods have been used to replace your normal diet during fasting days. They are collectively called Falahar dishes. Falahari dosa is a popular dish in this category. Today, let’s learn to make this extremely light yet nutritious and filling dosa so that you will have varieties in your diet.

Ingredients required to make Falahari dosa

  • 1 cup of Sama rice
  • ½ cup of buttermilk
  • ½ cup of sabudana
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • Ghee as required

Now, let’s make some delicious Farahari Dosa

  • Take the sabudana and sama rice and rinse it properly under tap water until it is completely clear.
  • Now, transfer them into two large bowls and add one cup of water to each of them.
  • Let it soak for three to four hours. Drain them, wash them again and set them aside.
  • Now, transfer the soaked sabudana and sama rice into a blender. Now add buttermilk and blend it until smooth.
  • Transfer the batter to a large bowl.
  • Then add salt and sugar into the batter and mix them until well incorporated.
  • The batter for your Farahari dosa is ready.
  • Now place a pan or iron tawa on medium heat.
  • Once hot, add a spoonful of batter and spread it on the pan.
  • Once the Farahari dosa starts to brown, drizzle oil on it and removes it from the heat. Extremely tasty and healthy Farahari dosa is ready!

This dosa is not only a tasty variety dish but also extremely healthy. Apart from its numerous health benefits, the sabudana in Farahari dosa can take care of your gut health. As a high-carb gluten-free material high in starch, it remains undigested. This will help in the smooth passage of food through your colon and thereby prevent constipation, just like Nutriplus FibreFit.

Nutriplus FibreFit

Nutriplus FibreFit is a health supplement made of Gum Acacia, one of the richest sources of fibre available. As a product with a low Glycemic index, incorporating this into your daily diet will help you efficiently manage your gut health. It can even help manage your body weight by making you feel full for longer. By incorporating this product into your life, you are making an investment that will, in due time, reduce your risk of heart disease, type-2 diabetes, stroke, Obesity etc.

The most interesting part about this product that makes it better than the other supplements available is the form it is made available to us. Nutriplus Fibrefit has conveniently packed this high-quality dietary fibre in sachets. This will help you to mix Nutriplus FibreFit with any food items easily. That means this health supplement allows you to access the goodness of fibre without pain.

So, in short, trying a new cuisine once in a while, like Farahari dosa, can prove to be a good addition to your diet. Just like Nutriplus FibreFit, Farahari dosa can make your life much easier. It can save you from constant pain and suffering. Hence, don’t hesitate. Grab Nutriplus FibreFit and live your life healthy and your future prosperous.

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