A strong immune system can single-handedly save your life. Well, I don’t think in this post-COVID era anybody needs any reminder about the huge influence a strong and functioning immune system has on determining your life span. So, what have you done till now to increase your chances of survival? Well, a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can be a very good start. But will that alone suffice? Well, our body requires multiple nutrients for it to function properly. So, when regular workouts and a healthy lifestyle help an individual up to a certain extent in boosting their immune system, it may not be enough. If you don’t have enough raw materials and nutrients required for the proper functioning of it, these won’t make much of a difference. Well, let me introduce you to multiple superfoods for the immune system’s betterment.
Why are superfoods necessary for strengthening the immune system?
Before delving deeper into the subject matter, let’s try to understand why superfood as a category is necessary to strengthen your immune system. For that, shouldn’t you have a basic understanding of what a superfood is a how it functions? Well, then, let’s skip the wait. So what exactly is a superfood?

So, first of all, superfoods don’t have an accurate description. Categorizing food items as superfoods is extremely problematic. Hence, in general, one can only define superfoods as a nutrient powerhouse. That means that these food items will provide large quantities of antioxidants, nutrients, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals etc., to your body. That basically means that, unlike other food items that provide your body mostly with a single nutrient, superfoods provide you with multiple. Well, that also means that a single superfood will boost the functioning of multiple activities in your body. Well, as we have learned a bit about superfoods, and their importance for boosting the immune system, let’s list some of the superfoods that are extremely good for your immune system.
Superfoods needed for the strengthening of your immune system
Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are one of the most common yet important superfoods that can help in improving your overall well-being in multiple ways. This is because of the large amount of Vitamin C present in these types of food. So now you will be wondering how Vitamin C help you in boosting your immunity, right? Let me explain.
The high quantity of Vitamin C found in citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, clementine, etc., boosts your immune system. Vitamin C as a nutrient can stimulate neutrophil migration to the site of infection, enhancing phagocytosis, oxidant generation, and microbial killing. So yes, increasing the number of citrus fruits in your diet can tremendously benefit your immune system.

Apart from citrus fruits, another fruit that can be considered one of the richest sources of Vitamin C is papaya. Moreover, this amazing fruit has a digestive enzyme called papain. Are you wondering what is so much special about papain? Well, papain is an enzyme that has excellent anti-inflammatory effects in it. Furthermore, these papayas have potassium, magnesium, folate etc. in them. That means, just like citrus fruits, this superfood is also extremely good for your immune system.
Turmeric is a bright yellow bitter spice that has been used for centuries in our kitchen. Turmeric is already quite famous for its anti-inflammatory properties and is widely sued in our traditional medical practices. The high concentration of curcumin not only helps in exercise-induced muscle damage but also acts as an excellent immune booster. It also has antiviral properties. Hence, one can for sure state that turmeric is an excellent superfood for your immune system.

Well, if we try to list all of the superfoods that can benefit your immune system, it will go on forever. Yoghurt, ginger, garlic and many other food items are extremely beneficial for the well-being of your immune system. So, while many food items can help you out, it can become a challenge to incorporate them into your daily diet. So what else can we do about it? You can always rely on Nutriplus ImmunHealth, right?
Nutriplus ImmunHealth: The superfood needed for your immune system
Nutriplus ImmunHealth is an excellent health supplement offering an extremely convenient way to boost your immunity. As a product produced from the extract of Papaya leaves, Aloe vera, Guduchi satwa etc., it is extremely rich in various nutrients essential in boosting your immunity. Some of the nutrients included in this product are L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-lysine, L-isoleucine, Vitamin C, Alkaloids, Phenolic compounds, and flavonoids. Besides this, it also contains several other mineral nutrients in it. So basically, this product can single-handedly boost your immunity from the inside out.