Bihari-styled egg pouch

Entertain Yourselves With Bihari Style Egg Pouch

How much do you know about the cuisines in India? Have you entertained your taste buds with authentic local dishes from the nook and corners of this country? Well, one can safely state that if you haven’t travelled to every corner of India or if you haven’t stayed in the various corners of India, there is no way you would have experienced all the dishes and all the flavours this country has to offer. There is only one way to rectify this situation, right? Well, I won’t be able to introduce you to every cuisine in this country. But right now, allow me to introduce you to a dish every Bihari will fawn over, Bihari styled Egg pouch.

What is Bihari styled Egg pouch?

Bihari-styled egg pouch, also known as Bihari-styled egg poach, is a dish exclusively located in Bihar. This delicious egg recipe got its name from the English dish, poached egg. Are you wondering why a Bihar dish is named after a Western dish? Well, that is because most people consider a Bihari-styled egg pouch to be the Indian version of a poached egg. Does that mean both of them are the same? Absolutely not; that means the consistency of both these dishes is somewhat similar. Well, do you want to know exactly how a poached egg differs from a Bihari-styled egg pouch? Then let’s dive right into it.

The difference between a Poached egg and a Bihari-styled egg pouch

Egg poach, and egg pouch will sound very similar to each other. But, the major difference between both of these eggs is in their method of preparation. Both these eggs are cooked outside their shells. But while the poached egg is cooked through the methods of simmering or boiling, which will create delicately cooked eggs, the Biharian-styled egg pouch is prepared through the frying method. Yes, that is the only difference between both them.

Both eggs have a solid outer part, which is the white portion of the egg, combined with an oozy and creamy inside, which is the yellow yolk. But, there is a slight difference in the texture of the white outer portion of the eggs in both of these dishes. While the poached egg will have a slightly solid, silky smooth textured egg white, the Biharian-styled egg pouch will have a crispy and fried exterior. Now, let’s see how one can prepare this Biharian street delicacy.

Ingredients required

  • Four large eggs
  • Half of a medium-sized onion (finely chopped)
  • Half of a medium-sized tomato (finely chopped)
  • Quarter piece of green, red or yellow capsicum (finely chopped)
  • Four to five pinches of black pepper powder
  • Salt as required
  • Oil as required

Preparation of Bihari styled Egg pouch

Before diving into the recipe, let me introduce you to the main ingredient required to make this dish, a big spoon locally known as karandi. Don’t worry; I’ll walk you through all the necessary steps.

  • Place the spoon directly on the flame. Make sure you are holding it with a cloth of some sort to save your hand from getting burned.
  • Once the spoon gets hot, add oil and spread it on all sides of the pan.
  • Now, keep the flame on low heat and crack an egg into the ladle.
  • Add a pinch of all the finely chopped vegetables and masala as quickly as possible.
  • Using a stick, stir the ingredients into the top loose part egg white portion. Please don’t break the egg yolk while stirring it in.
  • Now use the same stick life on one side of the egg and slowly flip it so that the crispy bottom will come on the top part of the laddle.
  • Keep the flame on high heat for 30 to 40 seconds.
  • Remove the egg from the heat and transfer it onto a plate. Your Bihari-styled egg pouch is ready.
  • Repeat the process with all the other eggs and have this tasty dish with your family.

Well, yes, this Bihari-styled egg pouch is not as healthy as the original poached egg. But who doesn’t love a new, interesting egg dish, right? It will be interesting to once in a while try other egg dishes. So, go ahead an make yourself a Bihari-styled egg pouch and enjoy it once in a while. Anyways, egg is such a healthy dish so go ahead and do it. What don’t you know how beneficial an egg is to your body? Let’s dive right into it.

The health benefits of an egg

  • As a low-calorie, high-protein food, it will help you in your weight loss journey.
  • Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of Choline.
  • An egg provides you with excellent-quality proteins. Do you know how? An egg contains nine essential amino acids in it. These amino acids cannot be produced by our body and must be  acquired our diet.
  • They are one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower your triglyceride levels.
  • You can increase the level of HDL, also known as good cholesterol, in your body, by eating eggs.
  • The antioxidants named lutein and zeaxanthin will improve the health of your eyes and protect them from contracting diseases like cataracts or age-related macular degeneration.

Well, did you understand why eggs are named a superfood? If one superfood like egg can offer so many health benefits to you, imagine how beneficial it will be if you add another superfood to your diet. Yes, thanks to Nutriplus DailyHealth, one can easily access the goodness of superfoods without any effort.

Nutriplus DailyHealth

Have you ever heard about Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, otherwise known as AFA? It is a form of blue-green algae exclusively found in the Klamath Lake in the pristine of Oregon, USA. This extremely rare superfood blooms only twice a year, making it extremely difficult to source. But just like or more than that eggs, this single product can ensure your overall wellness.

As a nutrition tablet, one can state that Nutriplus DailyHealth is doing an exceedingly awesome job. By allowing us to access this extremely rich superfood rich in natural bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace elements, plant pigments and phytonutrients through a single tablet, Nutriplus DailyHealth is allowing us to have a dose of wellness every day.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab, a DailyHealth, made with the goodness of the superfood AFA that can also help you abundantly in boosting your health. Grab this opportunity and add the benefits of superfood into your day today life for a healthy and happy future.

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