I love to introduce people to flavours and dishes they were unaware of. I don’t know about you guys, but this makes me feel extremely happy and content. The pure joy and the way their face lights up when they taste the dish I recommended to them is absolute bliss and I enjoy watching that. Well, suggesting and preparing tasty foods is one of the easiest and effortless ways in which we can portray our love, right? Most of the times, guiding someone to wonderful tastes is the most effortless and easiest thing one can do and it will almost cost you nothing. So why should you hold back from it? It is solely because of this reason I am introducing this delicious egg bonda recipe to you. So, let’s wait no more time and go ahead. Let me introduce you to one of the tastiest tea time snack, egg bonda.
The history behind Bonda
First of all, why don’t we go through a bit of history and revisit our past? One find it extremely pleasing and fruitful to know more about a dish I am about to taste. I believe that this extra knowledge I learn about the food and its background helps me a lot in tasting and savoring that dish. I feel like, I appreciate the dish in front of me and the flavor profile of it when I learn about where the dish is rooted at, the labor that went into the preparation of the dish, the ingredients used in the preparation of the dish etc. It just creates a finite idea about the dish in my brain, which somehow makes me feel and taste the food better. So, before learning about how to prepare egg bonda and tasting it, let’s learn a bit about bonda in general.
So in simple terms, bonda is a deep-fried snack which is available in a variety of flavors. Did you know that bonda is not a strictly savory snack? There are multiple versions of bonda out there which are sweet. Well, as an Indian smack that is much more popular in South India rather than the Northern part so India, it is totally normal if you didn’t know about or if you haven’t tasted all the types of bondas out there. Moreover, each part of South India has their own versions and cooking styles for bondas. That means, the Kerala version bonda, has much differences from a Tamil Nadu version or an Andhra Pradesh version and much different from a Mangalore version. Well, as a dish that is dated as far back to 12th century, it would have gone through much evolution and changes, right? So today, we are going to learn how to make one popular version of bonda, which is widely famous in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh regions, egg bonda.
How to make an Egg Bonda
Ingredients required
- 5 large eggs
- One large onion
- One small piece of ginger
- 2 green chillies
- Three tablespoons of maida
- A pinch of turmeric powder
- One sprig of coriander leaves
- One sprig of curry leaves
- Salt as required
- Coconut oil enough for deep frying
How to prepare a delicious egg bonda

- First, let’s hard boil the eggs and set them aside to cool it down.
- Next, let’s take onion, ginger, green chillies, coriander leaves and curry leaves and dice them very thinly.
- Take the cooled eggs, peel them, cut them in half and scoop the yolk of the eggs out.
- Now, add the thinly diced vegetables and mix it well with yolk.
- Once the yolk and vegetables get incorporated well enough, scoop out the mixture and fill the halved whites with this mixture. Repeat this process until all the eggs are stuffed.
- Now, prepare a batter that is almost as thick as the dosa batter with the maida, salt and a pinch of turmeric in it.
- Add oil enough for deep frying into a pan and heat it up.
- Now, dip the stuffed halved eggs, one by one in the batter and drop them one by one into the hot oil and fry them until golden brown.
- Yes, that’s it. Tasty and extremely flavorful egg bonda is ready to be devoured.
Now, let me explain why I feel like egg bonda is a better version of aloo bonda or potato bonda. Well, in order to understand that you should know about the various health benefits of egg, right?
Health benefits of Egg
- As a low-calorie, high-protein food, it will help you in your weight loss journey.
- Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of Choline.
- An egg provides you with excellent-quality proteins. Do you know how? An egg contains nine essential amino acids in it. These amino acids cannot be produced by our body and must be acquired our diet.
- They are one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower your triglyceride levels.
- You can increase the level of HDL, also known as good cholesterol, in your body, by eating eggs.
- The antioxidants named lutein and zeaxanthin will improve the health of your eyes and protect them from contracting diseases like cataracts or age-related macular degeneration.
Well, did you understand why eggs are named a superfood? If one superfood like egg can offer so many health benefits to you, imagine how beneficial it will be if you add another superfood to your diet. Yes, thanks to Nutriplus DailyHealth, one can easily access the goodness of superfoods without any effort.
Nutriplus DailyHealth

Have you ever heard about Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, otherwise known as AFA? It is a form of blue-green algae exclusively found in the Klamath Lake in the pristine of Oregon, USA. This extremely rare superfood blooms only twice a year, making it extremely difficult to source. But just like or more than that eggs, this single product can ensure your overall wellness.
As a nutrition tablet, one can state that Nutriplus DailyHealth is doing an exceedingly awesome job. By allowing us to access this extremely rich superfood rich in natural bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace elements, plant pigments and phytonutrients through a single tablet, Nutriplus DailyHealth is allowing us to have a dose of wellness every day.
So, stop worrying about everything. You are allowed to have things you like and enjoy once in a while. Trust me, I recommend you having tasty and may a healthier version of an unhealthy snack once in a while. It will help you to hold on to your healthy routine without making you feel the whole weight loss journey as a task.