A healthy glass of amla aloevera juice

Sip Your Way to Health With Amla Aloevera Juice

As a traditionally acclaimed form of juice, most of us will be more or less familiar with amla juice. Amla, known for its nutritional properties, was a quintessential part of our traditional medical practice, Ayurveda. That doesn’t mean that aloevera juice is a foreign concept. In reality, anyone who is familiar with current detoxification and beauty trends will be well aware of this juice. So, in short, even though these juices are well known separately, their combination of Amla aloevera juice is not famous.

Amla aloevera juice wasn’t able to bag the popularity it received when it stood individually. Unfortunately, this means that a majority of us are oblivious to the magical properties this single drink possesses. We are missing out on the numerous health benefits this single drink can provide us. That’s why I decided to give this magical concoction the attention it rightfully deserves. So, before explaining the health benefits of the drink, let’s dive straight in and see how we can make this.

Ingredients required for making Amla aloevera juice

  • Amla: 4
  • Aloevera: 2 inch
  • Tulsi: 3-4
  • Water: 1 glass
  • Salt/Lime/Jeera: Optional

Let’s prepare our own Amla aloevera juice

Well, the preparation of this juice is pretty straightforward. The only thing you have to pay close attention to is the preparation of ingredients.

  • First, take the aloevera leaf and wash it thoroughly. Now prop the leaf in an erect position with the base of the ground, and leave it for a few minutes.
  • After a few minutes, you’ll be able to see a yellow colour gel at the base of the leaf. Wash it off properly
  • Now. Slowly remove the thorns and the green outer covering of the aloe leaves.
  • Collect the mushy, gel-like inside portion and add it to a blender.
  • Now, take the amlas and wash them properly
  • Next, cut them into small pieces and remove its pit.
  • Now add the amla into the blender and blend them until it is smoothly ground.
  • Then add the water to it and blend until well incorporated
  • Finally, before serving, you can add salt, lime, or jeera to the drink to add more flavour.
  • Healthy and nutritious amla aloevera juice are ready!

Finally, let’s look at this juice’s medicinal qualities and health benefits.

Health benefits of Amla aloevera juice

  • It will increase your urine production
  • This juice has anti-inflammatory properties
  • It can act as a laxative
  • Amla aloevera juice can reduce your risk of contracting an ulcer
  • Regular intake of amla aloevera juice will enhance your blood flow, which will reduce your risk of contracting any cardiovascular diseases.
  • The phytonutrients in it will enhance the function of the liver
  • This antibacterial and microbial drink can solve your gum problems
  • It hydrates you
  • It can lower your cholesterol levels
  • Beneficial for people with diabetes as it will increase blood glucose absorption
  • It can increase your wound-healing process
  • It can act as an antioxidant
  • Finally, it will act as an immunity booster

Right, it is an all-in-rounder. Or when put into better vocabulary, it will enhance the overall wellbeing of our body. Doesn’t it? It takes care of you from the inside out. So why should you skip that? Well, even though this amla aloevera juice is so nutritious and beneficial to you, it can be very difficult to drink.

Just like bitter gourd, which is extremely good for our wellbeing, this juice isn’t tasty by any means. You’ll have to gulp it down without tasting it. Well, if there isn’t any other way to boost your immunity and take care of your skin, then we are left with no other option than to down this juice right. But, what if I say, I know a brand that can help you with all these troubles?

Instead of mixing all the health benefits into one single product like amla aloevera juice, this brand divided the benefits and made products that specifically focus on one single organ or one single problem. Let me introduce you to the mode of nutrition of this era; Nutriplus!

Know more about Nutriplus health supplements

Nutriplus DailyHealth

One dosage of this health supplement on a daily basis can help you meet your daily nutrient requirements. Are you wondering how? It is due to Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, the key ingredient used for the production of this health supplement. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, also known as AFA, is a kind of blue-green algae exclusively found in the Klamath Lake in the pristine of Oregon, USA. As a superfood that only blooms twice a year, it is extremely rare. 

So, in short, this health supplement is allowing you to consume an extremely rare superfood on a daily basis. That means this single tablet allows you to access various natural bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace elements, plant pigments and phytonutrients on a daily basis. So, one can confidently state that Nutriplus DailyHealth is literally providing a daily dose of wellness to its users.

Nutriplus LivHealth

This product can help your liver leaps and bounds because of the key ingredient present in it, the Reishi mushroom. This mushroom, popularly known as Lingzhi mushroom, is the perfect natural product that can take care of the health of your liver. Are you wondering why?

This extremely rare kind of mushroom has glycoproteins, triterpenoids and polysaccharides within it. These elements are extremely beneficial for the health of your liver. Apart from the presence of this rare kind of mushroom, Nutriplus LivHealth also has amino acids and nucleotides within. It will further help in enhancing the function and health of your liver.

Nutriplus ImmunHealth

This health supplement from Nutriplus offers an extremely convenient way to boost your personal immunity. This product is made by extracting the goodness of Papaya leaves, Aloe vera, Guduchi satwa etc. That means this product contains essential nutrients like L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-lysine, L-isoleucine, Vitamin C, Alkaloids, Phenolic compounds, flavonoids and several other mineral products in it. So basically, this product can single-handedly boost your immunity from the inside out.

Nutriplus GutHealth

This health supplement is specially curated to maintain the health of your stomach or gut. Do you know how this product achieves it? Let me explain. Nutriplus GutHealth contains an Advanced Hybrid Culture within it. This microbe is specially designed to remain dormant till it enters your gut. Five kinds of beneficial bacteria are included in this hybrid culture to ensure the health of your gut. They are

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus – The type of bacteria found in your intestines. As the name suggests, this bacteria produces lactase in your gut. That means this bacteria will help you in increasing the production of lactic acid.
  • Lactobacillus salivarius – These probiotic bacteria are found in the gastrointestinal tract. They possess a large range of therapeutic properties.
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus – A beneficial bacteria found in our digestive tracts. This bacterium is mainly used for the production of yoghurt. It plays a crucial role in the ripening of some cheeses and also helps in processes involving naturally fermented products.
  • Bifidobacterium longum– This is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium present in the human gastrointestinal tract. It is one among the 32 species of microbe that belongs, to the genus Bifidobacterium.
  • Streptococcus thermophilus – An essential lactic acid bacterium used for commercial purposes. They are utilized for processes including the production of milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

Nutriplus DiabaHealth

Nutriplus DiabaHealth is a natural health supplement that will help you in regulating your blood sugar level. This extremely beneficial health supplement contains a combination of various herbs and plant extracts that have a positive impact on reducing blood sugar levels. Approximately ten ingredients or herbs are used for manufacturing this product. But, there is a single ingredient that helps it to stand apart from the thousands of health supplements available in the market. It is known as Kino.

Kino is a form of gum that can be sourced from tapping certain tropical trees. This astringent has an active ingredient called Epicatechin in it. Epicatechin is a bio-active compound which can act as a Natural Insulin Mimetic. So, in simple words, this single organic and natural product can control and regulate your diabetes more naturally than any other product available in the market.

Nutriplus FibreFit

Made with the goodness of Gum Acacia, this health supplement is one of the best of its kind. Are you not familiar with Gum Acacia? Gum Acacia is one of the richest sources of dietary fibre available to us. Moreover, as a low glycemic index product, it can efficiently manage your oral and gut health.

Apart from that, as a powerful prebiotic, Nutriplus FibreFit can ensure the growth of essential bacteria and thereby create a better environment for digestion processes. So, in short, keeping your gut happy and preventing you from constipation enhances your body’s capacity for absorption and utilization of nutrients. This, when combined with the fact that it will satiate your hunger for a long time thereby aiding your weight loss journey.

Nutriplus SkinHealth

Nutriplus SkinHealth is consists the combination of Lycopene, Wheat germ oil and Vitamin E.  These skin-preserving elements are active components which have the capability to fight against factors that can possibly damage your skin. That means this product can single-handedly treat the dryness, scars and dark spots on your skin. Do you know how?

The Vitamins A and D present in Wheat germ oil can heal and nourish your skin. It can smoothen your scars and prevent your skin from cracking open due to dryness. Meanwhile, lycopene acts as a natural sunscreen. The photo-protective property of lycopene blocks the harmful effects of sunrays and thereby prevents your skin from ageing. Further, it also reduces skin inflammation.

Last but not least, the fat-soluble antioxidant, Vitamin E, helps your skin tremendously. It protects your skin from various harmful effects due to solar radiation by resisting the damage caused by free radicals. So, in short, this vegetarian capsule made up of natural ingredients will give a long-lasting solution for your skin troubles.

Nutriplus BoneHealth

This health supplement consists of a combination of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the maintenance of your bone health. They are Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. While Calcium maintains the density of your bones, Magnesium reduces your risk of getting bone fractures. Magnesium not only helps in reducing fractures but also improves your bone mineral density, thereby reducing your risk of contracting osteoporosis.

Furthermore, while Zinc helps the regeneration process of your body, Vitamin C boosts the production of collagen, which is an essential ingredient in your bone matrix. Last but not least, Vitamin D in the product will help you in the absorption of Calcium. But shouldn’t you make sure that you are getting Calcium that can be absorbed readily? Hence Nutriplus BoneHealth contains bioavailable Calcium in it which can be makes its absorption and utilisation much easier.

To Conclude

Finally, we have gone through all the health supplements provided by Nutriplus. As you can see, each product in this range is specially designed to address and solve one issue. That means each of these products will target a particular problem and continuously try to solve it. Moreover, you can also see that they have introduced a range of products that addresses all sorts of issues faced by us. That means they can single-handedly ensure the smooth functioning of your body. So, folks, don’t miss this opportunity. When life gives you a chance to grab 100% natural products that will ensure your overall wellbeing grab it. That is the only way you can remain healthy and thereby happy. So choose wisely for a better tomorrow!

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