Two women sitting and enjoying coffee

Benefits of Switching to Green Coffee

Most of us consider coffee to be the best thing ever happened to us. We prefer to wake up to a cup of coffee, and most of us feel depressed when we don’t get our cup of coffee first thing in the morning. It is like a cup of warmth that will charge us to perform for the rest of the day. But most of us don’t realize how bad that morning cup of coffee can be for our health. Even though it may make us feel good about ourselves and our life momentarily, it can be very bad for you in the long run. But you can fix this situation by changing your normal cup of coffee to green coffee. Today, let’s get familiarized with this amazing cup of coffee that will give you everything coffee gives without the side effects one gets from a normal cup of coffee.

 What is green coffee?

One may envision a green-coloured drink that screams healthy when one hears the name green coffee. But the difference between green and normal coffee is even more complicated.

  • Processing: Green coffee beans are unroasted, while normal coffee beans are roasted. The roasting process alters the coffee beans’ chemical composition, affecting the flavour, aroma, and nutritional content.
  • Flavour: Green coffee has a milder and slightly grassy flavour than normal coffee, which is richer and more robust. Roasting the beans caramelizes the sugars and creates a complex flavour profile with chocolate, nuts, and fruit notes.
  • Aroma: Green coffee has a subtle aroma with hints of fresh vegetation, while normal coffee has a strong and distinct aroma that varies depending on the roast level and type of coffee bean.
  • Nutritional content: Green coffee beans are rich in antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, which can have potential health benefits. However, roasting coffee beans also increases the levels of certain antioxidants and produces other beneficial compounds, such as melanoidin’s.
  • Caffeine content: It has a lower caffeine content than roasted coffee beans because some caffeine is lost during roasting.

Now, let’s look at the difference in the effect created by each cup of this coffee.

The difference between drinking Green coffee and Normal coffee

  • Higher antioxidant content: Green coffee beans contain more antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, than roasted coffee beans. Antioxidants help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases.
  • Lower caffeine: Green coffee beans have a lower caffeine content than roasted coffee beans. This may benefit individuals who are sensitive to caffeine or want to limit their caffeine intake.
  • May aid weight loss: It has been studied for its potential to aid in weight loss. Some research suggests that the chlorogenic acid in green coffee may help to reduce body weight and body fat by suppressing appetite and increasing fat metabolism.

Furthermore, the higher level of chlorogenic acid in green coffee can help you regulate your blood sugar levels by reducing the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. It can also lower the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s. So, switching from a normal cup of coffee to green coffee can benefit you. You may be wondering where to procure this healthy cup of coffee, right? Well, let me help you with that!

Nutriplus Qafe: The healthiest cup of coffee you can ever find

This green coffee powder can be the perfect solution for the coffee lover in you. It consists of a blend of unroasted coffee bean extract, freeze-dried coffee, instant coffee and a prebiotic named Nutriose. The two important elements that help Nutriplus Qafe to stand apart from all the other green coffee powders available on the market are the presence of Nutriose and the higher concentration of chlorogenic acid in it.

Firstly, the prebiotic present in this green coffee powder, Nutriose, is highly beneficial for you. This prebiotic will help you to burn fat and lose some extra weight that has been bothering you. This fibre also inhibits fat accumulation and reduces the absorption of carbohydrates by 33%. This will help you feel full for a long period.

Secondly, chlorogenic acid, a phenolic acid in coffee, is a major element that helps our bodies. CGA inhibits sodium-dependent glucose absorption. It also enhances the secretion of gastric inhibitory polypeptides. Both will help you in reducing the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, it reduces carbohydrate absorption and inhibits free radicals release. So, in short, all these small changes brought forward by CGA can help you a lot in the long run.

Now, it is time for you to decide. Switch to a healthier cup of coffee for a healthier you. Remember, health cannot be bought with money. So protect it at all costs.

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