A delicious bowl of tomato pachadi

Enjoy Your Mornings With Tomato Pachadi

Isn’t it fun to try new flavours, combinations, and recipes? Well, the rush one can find in front of a newly opened hotel which serves various dishes can validate my point. Well, every new dish and every new flavour is like a fresh adventure. So, I do understand the appeal. So, why don’t we search for new flavours not only internationally but also locally? As India is a diverse land with multiple languages and cultures, often, some of the delicious flavours from one state or even district may not travel to the other. Today, I will introduce you to one such tasty flavour, tomato pachadi.

The history behind Pachadi

Pachadi is a kind of controversial dish that plays as the link between two distinctly variety dishes. Well, at the same time, it is not exactly an extension of any of them too. Complex, right? Well, don’t worry; preparing this complex-tasting tomato pachadi is pretty simple. But before getting into that, let’s learn a bit about pachadi in general.

Pachadi is often compared with chutney or raita, both of which come from the north. The only way to distinguish between them is by their dominating taste. For example, pachadi has a clever play of sour-sweet and sour with a hint of umami-ness. Another important difference between them is the manner of their preparation.

While chutneys and raitas are prepared by the combination of raw ingredients, which is tempered at the end of preparation, pachadi, including tomato pachadi, isn’t. In pachadi, like tomato pachadi, the ingredients or the hero ingredient used to create that wonderful flavour goes through minimal cooking. This dish’s various components and ingredients are only blended together after being cooked. So, as we have learned about the basics of pachadi, why don’t we go ahead and learn to make the delicious tomato pachadi?

How to make Tomato Pachadi?

Ingredients required

  • Four large ripe tomatoes
  • 1 cup of grated coconut (preferably fresh)
  • 1 cup of full-fat curd
  • 10 large green chillies
  • 2 tsp. of mustard seeds
  • 8 tbsp. of coconut oil
  • 6 dry red chillies
  • 2 sprigs of curry leaves
  • Salt according to taste

Yup, that’s it. I already promised you, right? It is a very simple dish when it comes to preparation. The only thing complex about this recipe is its flavour profile. So, rest easy, people. Now, let’s make this wonderful and flavorful recipe.

Let’s prepare Tomato pachadi.

  • Let’s begin by cleaning and dicing your tomatoes into small cubes. Please make a note to remove the black apex of the tomato, as it often doesn’t get cooked.
  • Now, heat four tablespoons of coconut oil in a pan or preferably a clay pot.
  • While the pan is heated up, add the grated coconut, mustard seeds and green chilli into a blender and blend them well.
  • Once the oil is hot enough, add the diced tomatoes and saute it until it gets mushy and tender.
  • Now add the ground paste to the sautéed tomatoes and incorporate them well together.
  • Once incorporated well enough, remove the pan from heat.
  • Immediately heat four tablespoons of oil in a tadka pan.
  • Once the oil is hot enough, add the mustard seeds to the hot oil and wait for it to splutter.
  • Then add the red chillies and curry leaves into the hot oil and wait for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Now, pour the tadka over the tomato pacahdi and enjoy this delicacy.

How simple right? So what is stopping you from trying it out? Oh, are you worried about your health? Well, then, you are not familiar with the health benefits of tomatoes, right? Then let me fill you in.

Benefits of including tomato in your diet

Those innocent-looking red colour fruits, which are slightly sweet and tangy, are not just a meagre ingredient that adds a pop of colour to your dish. Tomatoes are an excellent source of components like lycopene. They also contain nutrients like Vitamin B and E, Potassium etc. Well, then, let me also introduce you to a product that has the goodness of tomatoes in it. This healthy and natural product can improve the health of your skin from the inside out. Well, intrigued, right?

Nutriplus SkinHealth

This product can single-handedly take care of the health of your skin. Want to know how? Nutriplus SkinHealth consists there skin preserving ingredients in it. They are lycopene, wheat germ oil and Vitamin E. These active components in the product will treat dryness, dark spots, scars, and free radicals and even resist skin inflammation. So, in short, this vegetarian capsule made up of natural ingredients will give a long-lasting solution for your skin troubles.

So, don’t stall any longer; enjoy your new flavorful adventure and protect your skin simultaneously with tomato pachadi and a more effective method named Nutriplus SkinHealth. Trust me; you’ll never regret either of them.

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