is egg good for piles

Is Egg Good for Piles? What Do You Think?

Piles are a very well-guarded secret in our community. We tend to steer clear of the topic as much as possible and only address it when it demands attention. This willful ignorance and embarrassment we feel in matters regarding piles will often delay the dire medical attention it needs. Well, first of all, let me confirm that piles are not a rare disease. In our society, where individuals lead chaotic life, piles are a very common disorder. Almost half of our population, including men and women, can get haemorrhoids before turning 50, which is considered normal. Still, we refuse to discuss it. So today, let’s discuss piles. Let’s find out the reason behind piles and whether any food contributes to them. Is egg good for piles, or does it make piles worse? Well, let’s find answers to all those questions.

What is a haemorrhoid?

Haemorrhoids, popularly known as piles, is a medical condition where the veins around your anus or lower rectum get swollen and inflamed. Haemorrhoids can be of two types, external haemorrhoids and internal haemorrhoids. The external haemorrhoids forms under the skin around the anus, and the internal one forms in the lining of the anus and lower rectum.

An individual can contract haemorrhoids due to multiple reasons. If you are someone who gets constipated or spends long hours sitting on a toilet seat, you can get haemorrhoids. If you suffer from chronic diarrhoea, often lift heavy objects or are older than fifty, you can also contract piles. Well, what more? Even pregnant women can get haemorrhoids. So, as we saw some of the major reasons behind contracting piles, let’s come back to our topic, Is egg good for piles?

Is egg good for piles?

What do you think? Is egg good for piles? First of all, does haemorrhoids food have anything to do with ? The answer is yes. Food has a major role in deciding how much strain our anus experiences during defecation, so food has a major role in forming piles. Avoid constipation and thereby strain your bottom to let out the faecal matter. This will reduce the strain on your anal region. But how can you avoid constipation?

There are two simple tips and steps that will help you to prevent constipation. First of all, drink lots of water. Include a lot of fluid in your food so the stool will become soft and easily pass through the rectum. Secondly, include more fibre in your diet. As fibre doesn’t get broken down or absorbed into the intestines, it will add bulk to your stool, making its passage through the intestines much more effortless. Well, if you want to ensure that you are getting adequate fibre daily so you can skip long, painful toilet time, then try Nutriplus FibreFit.

Nutriplus Fibrefit

This supplement contains Gum Acacia, one of the richest sources of fibre in it. This product, which has a low Glycemic index, can efficiently manage your oral and gut health. Moreover, this powerful prebiotic can ensure the growth of essential bacteria and thereby create an environment for better digestion.

Moreover, this product is conveniently available in the form of sachets. This will enable you to mix it easily with any food items. That means you can access the goodness of fibre without pain. So, as we have confirmed, the food we eat does contribute towards haemorrhoids. Let’s find out whether an egg is good for piles,

Is egg good for piles?

As a food item with high-quality proteins, cholesterol and various nutrients, an egg is one of the easiest and safest food options for an individual suffering from haemorrhoids. Eggs can improve or boost the movement of your intestines and thereby make your stools soft. Therefore, including one or two eggs per day in your diet can help you escape from being constipated. Moreover, eggs are a source of fat. This fat can also reduce the strain you may experience during bowel movements. Last but not least, eggs are considered a natural source of treatment for acute Piles. So people quit worrying. Defeat your haemorrhoids with Nutriplus Fibrefit and eggs. Make it a point to talk about your piles and consult a physician. Remember, piles are a lifestyle disorder anyone in this world can contract.

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