A plate of delicious egg chilli

Switch to Egg Chilli With Green Chillies!

Are you a fan of egg chilli? Well, egg chilli is for sure one of the ways to have eggs with a ton of flavour. We have been using this side dish to accompany various kinds of bread. People pair egg chilli with chappathis, parathas, porottas, naans, appams etc. As this dish goes well with almost anything, including rice, egg chilli is popular in our household. Well, the fact that it is comparatively easier to prepare adds to its popularity. But do you think that it is healthy or beneficial for you?

Is traditional egg chilli healthy for you?

Green Chilli Egg Curry Recipe | Egg Curry in a Green Chilli Curry

Your traditional egg chilli is no doubt an extremely delicious and flavorful dish. But have you wondered if that is truly healthy for you? Well, it is a dish made with boiled eggs. That by itself will make egg chilli an extremely healthy food for you. But what about the huge amount of red chilli added to it?

Red chilli and its side effects

Red chilli is a spice that adds tons of flavour to your dish. This will make your dishes more desirable. A majority of us like red chilli. We prefer the spiciness of it, the burn it brings forth and by triggering pain, suppress your hunger. But are you aware of the numerous health hazards this spice can cause?

Most of us prefer the burning sensation of chilly due to the [presence of a substance called capsaicin. The capsaicin binds with the pain receptors and induces a sense of intense burning within you. But a high amount of this element can cause severe pain, inflammation, swelling and redness in your body. But mainly, it can make your neurons insensitive to further pain too.

Further, eating red chillies can cause intestinal distress in some people. It can even induce Irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover, exposing red chilli to any body part is extremely dangerous. So, what can you do to avoid this? Well, one easy fix to this problem is to switch the chilly you are using and use green chillies.

Yes, green chillies, too, will cause many of the above-said problems if used beyond a certain point. But it is much safer and much less risky than red chillies. Green chillies have higher water and zero calories when compared to red chillies. They are a rich source of beta-carotene, antioxidants and endorphins.

So, even if green chillies aren’t the best kind of spice out there, it is way better than red chilly. Moreover, why should you skip such a healthy, delicious food option that is so versatile and convenient just because of chillies? Don’t you know how good eggs are for your body?

Health benefits of Eggs in Egg chilli

  •  Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of Choline.
  • They are one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower triglyceride levels.
  • As a low-calorie, high-protein food, it will help you in your weight loss journey.
  • An egg provides you with excellent-quality proteins. Do you know how? An egg contains nine essential amino acids in it. These amino acids cannot be produced by our body and must be acquired in our diet.
  • You can increase the level of HDL, also known as good cholesterol, in your body, by eating eggs.
  • The antioxidants named lutein and zeaxanthin will improve the health of your eyes and protect them from contracting diseases like cataracts or age-related macular degeneration.

So did you understand why it is named a superfood? Why should you throw away so many health benefits you can get easily through an egg just because of chilli? Just switch your red chilly with green chilly. Yes, your egg chilli may lose its vibrant red colour, but it will be healthy and equally tasty. Are you interested in making another superfood with nutritional benefits even better than eggs as a part of your life? Just like eggs, this too can make your life a lot healthier, and because of Nutriplus, now you can access it easily in the form of Nutriplus DailyHealth.

Nutriplus DailyHealth

Have you ever heard about Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, otherwise known as AFA? It is a form of blue-green algae exclusively found in the Klamath Lake in the pristine of Oregon, USA. This extremely rare superfood blooms only twice a year, making it extremely difficult to source. But just like or more than that eggs, this single product can ensure your overall wellness.

As a nutrition tablet, Nutriplus DailyHealth is doing an exceedingly awesome job. By allowing us to access this extremely rich superfood rich in natural bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace elements, plant pigments and phytonutrients through a single tablet, Nutriplus DailyHealth is allowing us to have a dose of wellness every day.

At the end of the day, we can conclude that traditional egg chilli is indeed harmful to you. But that doesn’t mean it has to remain unhealthy. You only have to replace the harmful ingredient in the egg chilli with a less harmful alternative. So, in short, take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the goodness of superfoods, especially ones that are easily available as eggs and Nutriplus DailyHealth. Remember, if you throw away your health for such frivolous reasons, you may regret it in the future, So go ahead, grab your dose of daily wellness and live a happy, healthy future.

So, in short, any dish made with egg, especially a half fry egg, is not unhealthy. The excellent nutrients and benefits contained in a small egg can make up for a certain extent of unhealthiness cooking may add to it. But as a food item prepared without oil and containing the minimum amount of seasoning, one can safely state that a dish like half fry egg made with the superfood egg is extremely healthy. Similarly, Nutriplus DialyHealth, made with the goodness of the superfood AFA, can also help boost your health. Well, grab this opportunity and add the benefits of superfoods into your day-to-day life for a healthy and happy future.

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