A glass of Orange mint juice

Prepare for The Winter With The Goodness of Orange Mint Juice

Winter is peeping around the corner. It is that time of the year when you snuggle in, wear cosy clothes and sip hot beverages. Even the thought of it is so fuzzy and comfy, right? But what about those few who cant part with their cold and refreshing fruit juices like orange mint juice. Cold foods, especially refrigerated foods like ice cream, juice etc., are completely banned in most of our households during winter. But is that necessary? Yes, eating or drinking cold foods can have a harmful impact on you. There is a huge chance that you may contract a cold, fever or tonsillitis. But does that have anything to do with your choice of juice rather than the temperature of the drink? Well, let’s examine.

Relationship between cold and diseases

We all know that people tend to get sicker during cold weather. But have you ever wondered why? Are diseases, germs and bacteria solely reserved for one particular time of the year? Absolutely not. Then what might be the reason behind people falling sick during cold weather? Well, even though the cold temperature by itself doesn’t make you get sicker, it sure does contribute to it.

It is the optimal temperature for pathogens

Winter generally provides the optimal temperature to bacteria or pathogens for their survival and reproduction. That means these pathogens will reproduce profusely during this period, automatically increasing the chance of people coming in contact with it. It is one of the explanations behind why people tend to get sick during winter.

Helps bacteria to spread more quickly

It can also be because winter creates the perfect opportunity for the virus to spread from individual to individual. As the cold weather forces all of us to remain in close contact with each other in closed settings, viruses can spread more quickly.

Moreover, the reduced amount of Vitamin D in the body and the generally low temperature can slow down your immunity. Moreover, the cold air that passes through our body can also shrink our blood vessels. So, in short, the winter doesn’t necessarily make you sick but increases the opportunity for you to come in contact with a virus.

So what do you think will happen if you introduce a cold drink into this body? It can further lower your body heat and your immune response and may shrink your blood ways. If so, how can orange mint juice help you prepare for the upcoming winter? In order to understand that, you should learn more about the various health benefits both orange and mint can provide.

Advantages of orange included in Orange mint juice

  • Protects your cells from damage.
  • Helps your body make collagen, a protein that heals wounds and gives you smoother skin
  • Makes it easier to absorb iron to fight anaemia.
  • Lower your blood pressure.
  • Slows the advance of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss.
  • Lower your stress by lowering the amount of cortisol, the stress-causing hormone.
  • Helps fight cancer-causing free radicals.
  • Boosts your immune system, your body’s defence against germs.

Next, let’s look at the health benefits provided by the mint.

Advantages of the mint added in Orange mint juice

  • May relieve you from indigestion.
  • It can improve the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • It can save you from bad breath
  • It will improve your brain function.
  • It can reduce the intensity of your cold.
  • The antioxidants in mint will improve your immunity.

So, in short, even though orange mint juice is cold, it contains several antioxidants and nutrients in it. As a result, even when orange mint juice reduces your body temperature, it will help boost your innate immunity. Well, if you still want cold delicacies other than orange mint juice without falling sick, let me introduce you to a product. It will help you improve your innate immunity more efficiently, just like orange mint juice. Welcome to Nutriplus ImmunHealth!

Nutriplus ImmunHealth

Nutriplus ImmunHealth is an excellent health supplement which offers an extremely convenient way to boost your immunity. As a product produced from the extract of Papaya leaves, Aloe vera, Guduchi satwa etc., it is extremely rich in various nutrients essential for boosting your immunity. Some of the nutrients included in this product are L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-lysine, L-isoleucine, Vitamin C, Alkaloids, Phenolic compounds, and flavonoids. Besides this, it also contains several other mineral nutrients in it. So basically, this product can single-handedly boost your immunity from the inside out.

Nutriplus ImmunHealth – Live Sustainably and Stay Healthy with QNET

Finally, enjoy your winter in your way. Refrain from banning your favourite cold beverages from your diet just because of the weather. Instead of that, boost your innate immunity and equip yourself to fight any pathogens that pose a threat to you. This way, you won’t have to put your life on hold just because of winter. Remember, folks, life is precious, and each second is worth living for. So, don’t let either the cold or the pathogens stop you. Enjoy your winter with Nutriplus ImmunHealth.

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