a healthy half fried egg

Is Half Fry Egg Really That Healthy?

An egg is one the most versatile, tasty and, more importantly, healthy food items available on earth. Are you aware of the multiple ways in which we can prepare it? Yes, you can make an elaborate, expensive egg dish and a simple, cost-efficient dish with the same egg. Moreover, an egg can stand by itself and be a tasty dish, and it can be added to other dishes in order to make it tastier. Furthermore, it can easily be a part of a sweet or savoury dish. That means you can make a delicious cake or a half fry egg with the same egg.

But do you know what makes eggs even more special? More than the fact that it is versatile, it can be eaten in any form, or it can be added to numerous dishes to make it more special, and the fact that it is nutritious makes it extremely special. One can easily state that egg is one of the easiest superfoods to prepare. But before moving into the health benefits egg can give you, let’s look at one of the easiest and most popular dishes made with eggs, half fry egg.

What is a half fry egg?

There are multiple ways to prepare an egg. You can fry, boil, poach, or even scramble it. But that’s not it. You can also do each of these methods in totally different manners. Are you wondering why? The slight changes you make while preparing an egg can give you different dishes. So, it is important to address what a half fry egg is before delving into whether it is healthy or not.

Half fry egg or bulls-eye egg is one of the most popular methods to prepare an egg. It is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to prepare eggs. You don’t have to prep any other ingredients or use multiple utensils to prepare half fry egg. The only thing you have to do is crack an egg on a hot pan brushed with oil. You don’t even have to flip it. Because of this reason, half fry egg is one of the most prepared forms of an egg.

Is half fry egg healthy?

Well, as there are multiple ways to prepare an egg, one should check whether their favourite manner of preparing an egg is healthy or not. As mentioned earlier, an egg is one easily available superfood that can be conveniently prepared. An egg is packed with the goodness of proteins and amino acids. It also has several minerals and nutrients, namely selenium, vitamin B6, B12, D etc. in it too. So basically, it is a very convenient way to ingest a lot of nutrients.

Yes, poaching or boiling an egg will give you a much healthier version of it. But that doesn’t mean a half fry egg is unhealthy. The minuscule amount of oil spread on the pan in order to prepare a half fry egg will not cause any harm to your health. Moreover, a half fry egg can stop you from overindulging and keep you satiated. Well, when compared to the numerous health benefits an egg offers, the calories it contains are minuscule.

The health benefits of an egg

  • As a low-calorie, high-protein food, it will help you in your weight loss journey.
  • Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of Choline.
  • An egg provides you with excellent-quality proteins. Do you know how? An egg contains nine essential amino acids in it. These amino acids cannot be produced by our body and must be acquired in our diet.
  • They are one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower your triglyceride levels.
  • You can increase the level of HDL, also known as good cholesterol, in your body, by eating eggs.
  • The antioxidants named lutein and zeaxanthin will improve the health of your eyes and protect them from contracting diseases like cataracts or age-related macular degeneration.

Well, did you understand why eggs are named a superfood? If one superfood like egg can offer so many health benefits to you, imagine how beneficial it will be if you add another superfood to your diet. Yes, thanks to Nutriplus DailyHealth, one can easily access the goodness of superfoods without any effort.

Nutriplus DailyHealth

Have you ever heard about Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, otherwise known as AFA? It is a form of blue-green algae exclusively found in the Klamath Lake in the pristine of Oregon, USA. This extremely rare superfood blooms only twice a year, making it extremely difficult to source. But just like or more than that eggs, this single product can ensure your overall wellness.

As a nutrition tablet, Nutriplus DailyHealth is doing an exceedingly awesome job. By allowing us to access this extremely rich superfood rich in natural bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace elements, plant pigments and phytonutrients through a single tablet, Nutriplus DailyHealth is allowing us to have a dose of wellness every day.

So, in short, any dish made with egg, especially a half fry egg, is not unhealthy. The excellent nutrients and benefits contained in a small egg can make up for a certain extent of unhealthiness cooking may add to it. But as a food item prepared without oil and containing the minimum amount of seasoning, one can safely state that a dish like half fry egg made with the superfood egg is extremely healthy. Similarly, Nutriplus DialyHealth, made with the goodness of the superfood AFA, can also help boost your health. Well, grab this opportunity and add the benefits of superfoods into your day-to-day life for a healthy and happy future.

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