A bowl full of tomato rasam

Enjoy the Goodness of South India With Tomato Rasam

Did you have the opportunity to enjoy a bowl of hot and tasty tomato rasam? Well, take my word; it is a delicacy in itself. Having hot tomato rasam after a big meal is one of those satisfying moments. It is such a delightful experience. In all honesty, rasam is one of the best food items born in South India. Before diving more into the rasam, let me attempt to explain briefly what a rasam is.

What is Tomato Rasam?  

Rasam is a form of traditional soup enjoyed by South Indians. It is delicious, aromatic and tangy with an added kick of spice to it. A traditional tomato rasam is mainly made with ripe tomatoes and spices. This served functions as a digestif. As the name suggests, this drink will help you to digest your food. Yes, in western culture, the digestifs are usually alcoholic drinks that boost your digestive processes. But tomato rasam is a perfect non-alcoholic alternative to tea.

Benefits of using Tomato Rasam

The list of health benefits provided by tomato rasam is insane. After you hear about this, you’ll be convinced to incorporate tomato rasam as a daily meal.

Prevents Constipation

Tomato rasam contains tamarind in it. The dietary fibre that is the non-starch polysaccharides in tamarind adds bulk to your stool. They are mucilage, pectin, hemicellulose, tannin and gums. Hence, making tomato rasam a part of your daily diet ensures smooth bowel movements. It means tomato rasam can help you in saying goodbye to constipation.

 The powerhouse of vitamins and minerals

Irrespective of its simplicity, rasam is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. This soup contains thiamin, folic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, riboflavin and niacin. Moreover, it also contains minerals like potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper and magnesium.

Facilitates digestion

The black pepper used for making rasam helps us in the secretion of acids that aid digestion. This will promote better absorption of proteins. It also prevents gas formation. Acidity, diarrhoea and flatulence.

Rich in antioxidants

Rasam is an excellent source of antioxidants. Therefore, it prevents free radical activity within our body. Tamarind, used in preparing rasam, is the ingredient that provides antioxidant properties to rasam.

Aid in weight loss

Yes, adding tomato rasam to your diet can help your weight loss journey. The black pepper added to rasam will improve your metabolism. That means rasam will enable your body to remove toxins from your body which will make you sweat and urinate more than usual. This frequent removal of toxins will ensure that your body is not putting on any more weight.

Home remedy for cold and flu

The ingredients used in rasam production, like curry leaves, tamarind extract, turmeric powder, red pepper and mustard seeds, have multiple health benefits. These products will help you clean your respiratory tract and deal with colds and coughs. Moreover, it is considered an excellent recovery food.

Prevents Cancer

Turmeric and Black pepper in tomato rasam contain substances called curcumin and piperine. These elements have an inhibitory effect on cancerous cells. That means consuming rasam daily can reduce your chances of contracting cancer. 

Yes, tomato rasam is like Pandora’s box. The more you dive into it, the more advantageous it becomes. So, why should you avoid such a good product? There aren’t many products out there that will harmlessly boost your immunity, like tomato rasam. As we are well aware of the importance of strong immunity in our life, why should you pass on that? Well, do you want a much more suitable natural product that will help you to boost your immunity? You have come to the right place. Let me introduce you to Nutriplus ImmunHealth.

Nutriplus ImmunHealth

Nutriplus ImmunHealth is one of the safest and most natural ways to boost your immunity. This product is made by blending various clinically proven ingredients and essential micronutrients. Some of them are L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-lysine and L-isoleucine. Moreover, it also contains multiple vitamins and minerals like Magnesium gluconate, Copper gluconate and zinc gluconate. In short, this magical product includes every necessary element required to boost your immunity.

But the best part about this product is that it’s vegetarian. This capsule is free from all additives and synthetic fillers and is solely designed to promote your immune function. One can confidently state that ImmunHealth will solely act as a personal bio-regulator and immune modulator.

So what are you waiting for? To be sure, incorporate tomato rasam and Nutriplus ImmunHealth into your daily diet. That way, you can assure your own safety and that of your loved ones. Remember, personal health is the most important asset. So try to do everything you can to preserve it. Go ahead, boost your immunity with Nutriplus ImmunHealth and live a happy and healthy life.

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