Diwali is fast approaching, and are you ready for it? Have you prepared yourself for the fun, drama and, of course, a whole lot of shopping this season brings to us? As a festival that allows us an opportunity to express our love and gratitude to our loved ones, shopping, especially Diwali gift shopping, is a huge deal. It is such a huge part that you won’t be able to imagine a Diwali without picturing Diwali boxes within it.

So, are your Diwali boxes ready? Are they prepared to go and surprise your loved ones? Well, getting a gift, Diwali boxes for loved ones, is always so problematic, right? It is difficult to think beyond the most common form of Diwali gift, sweets. But do you know why we share sweets on Diwali?
The relationship between sweets and Diwali
Traditionally sweets are considered the symbol of purity. That is why they became offering to gods. So, as sweets symbolized purity, they became revered items. Therefore, the practice of sweet distribution on auspicious occasions started. For instance, Diwali is celebrated for various reasons in the society. While one section celebrates Ram’s, Lakshman’s and Sita’s return from exile, the others are celebrating the death of Narakasura by the hands of Lord Krishna. But, the only common factor that unites all these various origin stories are, in general, we all are celebrating Diwali to commemorate the triumph of good over evil.

So, the fact that gifting sweets became the norm for Diwali boxes is not astonishing. But, the fact is that, while gifting Diwali boxes, we’re basically gifting a package of refined sugar to our loved one’s. It is high time since we drop this tradition. Well, isn’t that how society proceeds? By dropping off customs that are harmful to humans or by modifying them and rendering them harmless? But do you feel it’s necessary to gift sweet boxes as Diwali boxes?
Celebrating Diwali without sweet
Diwali celebration without sweets or in specific without a pile of Diwali sweet boxes, is actually unimaginable to us. Most of us, especially kids, anticipates Diwali just to have those sweets. So, by suggesting to get rid of Diwali sweet boxes, I’ll be killing very essence of it. How cruel will it be if we decide to deprive them of the little funs of life? So, then what is a probable solution to this dilemma? Well, the only solution to this problem is to find a way to make your sweet boxes healthy.

How to make healthy Diwali boxes?
Do you know which single product poisons your Diwali box of sweets? Sugar. Sugar is one of the most dangerous substances that poisons you daily. Due to the lack of immediate side effects and reactions, we continue to consume this poison until too late. That is why it is famously known as a slow poison. Do you want to gift Diwali boxes soaked through and through in this poison? Well, it won’t be much different than gifting a box of poison to them, right?
I can suggest two products that will act as a replacement for sugar while maintaining your health. One of the product is exclusively meant for adults and the other can be ingested by anyone, old or young. So, are you ready to have a healthy traditional Diwali with healthy Diwali boxes? Ok, let’s go to the first magic that can help you to achieve this almost impossible goal.
Nutriplus Natose

This is an excellent alternative to sugar for adults. Now, with this natural and 100% vegetarian sweetener, you can gift healthy Diwali boxes to your loved ones. Are you sceptical? Well, as a product manufactured exclusively from the liquid extract of Stevia leaves, it can be natural and 100% vegetarian, right? Don’t worry, you don’t have to use a lot of this product. This liquid extract is 20 times sweeter than normal sugar. So, nobody will even realize that you switched that poisonous spoonful of sugar with healthy drops of Nutriplus Natose.
But, even when nobody notices, this subtle change can save your loved one’s health. But unfortunately, the goodness of this product cannot be extended to your kids. This product is exclusively meant for adult consumption. Does that mean you have to let your kids feast on poison? Absolutely not. Let me present an even better alternative to sugar than can be consumed by everyone, irrespective of their age.
Nutriplus Monofloral Honey
Do you want your kids to have a healthy Diwali? Then gift healthy Diwali boxes made with Nutriplus Monofloral Honey to them. It’s as simple as that. On this Diwali, make sure that not only your kids but also the kids of your loved ones are enjoying an awesome and healthy Diwali. This will help them enjoy Diwali’s spirit, enjoy Diwali’s taste and still maintain their well-being. Isn’t that wonderful? Are you wondering what is so special about this honey? Well, unlike the other jars of honey available on the market, this honey is sourced exclusively from one single species of flower. That means Nutriplus Monofloral Honey will contain all the goodness of that particular plant species. That means apart from being a perfect healthy alternative to sugar, it is extremely nutritious.

Finally, what are you still waiting for? Go ahead and make your own Diwali boxes of health using Nutriplus Natose and Nutriplus honey. Healthily celebrate your Diwali and help your loved ones enjoy Diwali’s spirit without hurting themselves. Remember, don’t miss out on the fun of festivities because you are concerned about your health. Grab your own pack of Nutriplus Natose and Nutriplus Monofloral Honey. Enjoy your Diwali and make others’ Diwali healthy and prosperous in the Nutriplus way.