A young mother and daughter lighting diyas on Diwali

Want To Buy Some Healthy Diwali Gifts for Kids?

Celebrations are the most awaited time of the year for kids. They just love the vacations, functions, crowd, food etc., that the day promises. You see, the thing about celebrations like Diwali is that the expectation just becomes bigger. To state the obvious, most of the time, you as a parent will be struggling to make their dream Diwali come to life. They are growing so quickly that Diwali will soon lose its magical effect. So, why don’t we try to make it as memorable as possible? One way to do that is by buying some awesome Diwali gifts for kids, both yours and your loved ones.

Memorable Diwali gifts for kids

Kids keep a grand expectation about how a day of festivity, especially a grand one like Diwali, will turn out. Because these unrealistic expectations about Diwali will not last for long, we only have little time on our hands to create a memorable Diwali experience for them. So. Don’t throw them away. On this Diwali, let’s concentrate on gifting some long-lasting and memorable Diwali gifts for kids. So, let’s dive right into it.

Piggy bank

Well, let’s be real. Our education system refuses to educate our kids about handling money. So, until we as parents step up, our kids won’t learn about the importance of saving, the value of money and the joy of earning money on your own until very late. So, get them a piggy bank! Are you wondering how that is going to be memorable?

Trust me, your kids will remember it. They’ll thankfully remember it when they enter into real life. Moreover, making them do little tasks and allowing them to charge small amounts for it will make them confident about their own worth as time moves forward. You want to know how it can be more memorable than that. Buy them something with that money. Something like a bicycle, their favourite toy or gadget. Or even better, take them on a trip. Don’t forget to remind them that they covered their trip expense with the money they saved in the piggy bank. Well, nobody is going to forget that, right?

Luggage bags

Yes, you heard me. Luggage bags are another useful Diwali gifts for kids that will be memorable. Having their own luggage bad will develop a sense of ownership and responsibility. This will also introduce them to the art of packing early on. They’ll start to understand the concept of carrying necessities. This also means that you will allow your kids to curate their own wardrobe for the whole vacation. So, do you still think a tiny personal luggage bag will not be memorable for your kid?


Yes, it is a dirty business. But you know what, it’s cool too. Do you remember the joy we used to experience when we created something out of our own hands? Well, if your kids are interested in crafting, then a block of clay and a set of tools will be one of the perfect Diwali gifts for kids. First of all, working with clay is therapeutic. You may give them the perfect way to let off steam through this gift. They’ll learn to clean up after themselves, and also, those small and cute trinkets they make are going to last for a long time, serving as a reminder of the good times they had.


Hey, don’t hyperventilate. I’m not suggesting you gift a pricy original camera to your kid. But, if your kid is interested in photography, you can always get a camera specially made for kids. Yes, they do exist. There are digital and instant cameras available in the market. You can choose what you want. This will teach them the importance of each moment. They’ll start to treasure each and every moment, make memories etc. So, encourage your kids’ skills and empower them by choosing memorable Diwali gifts for kids.

More importantly, health is one of the best Diwali gifts for kids.

Yes, as a parent, the gift that tops the chart of Diwali gifts for kids is health. I know, as a parent, your kid’s health is your first priority. But during the celebration, you’ll let this rule slip a bit. I get it. Diwali is a moment of joyous celebration, and you don’t want to be that strict parent and restrict the fun things for your kids. But what if you can do both? Restrict your kids of unhealthy things and allow them to eat whatever they want?

Yes, it’s hundred per cent possible. Are you wondering how? Just add Nutriplus VCO and Nutriplus Monofloral Honey to your shopping list. Nutriplus VCO is one of the best ways in which you can assure that your kids are not harmed while allowing them to eat all that fried stuff. This cold-pressed, pure, and natural oil is highly beneficial for you. Compared with other refined coconut oils available in the market, this unrefined coconut oil is the storehouse of MCFAs or medium-fatty chain acids. When combined with the natural aroma and taste it adds to your dishes, VCO becomes the perfect healthy Diwali gift for kids.

Similarly, Nutriplus Monofloral Honey will help you to make healthy sweets. We all know that there is no way to pull your kids away from sweets, especially during Diwali. So the only way to stop them from ingesting the harmful white sugar contained in them is by preparing delicious delicacies using Nutriplus Monofloral Honey. Well, honey is a better form of sweetness than refined white sugar. Apart from that, Nutriplus ensures to collect honey from bees that visit a single kind of plant. This will ensure that the honey is filled with the goodness of that plant. Some of the flavours available on the market are Moringa, Karanj, Sheesham, Mustard and Coriander. So along with replacing sugar, you will also be able to add the goodness of nature to those Diwali sweets!

Final thoughts!

Ultimately, make sure to get memorable and healthy Diwali gifts for kids this Diwali. You are responsible for giving your child a wonderful childhood as a parent. So, step up your game with innovative ideas. But don’t put your kid’s health in line for that. Ultimately health is the only factor that will help them to exist. So, as a parent, make smart choices for your kid. Let them have a happy, prosperous and memorable life.

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